PHP Apache 2. Unix systems. I have successfully installed Apache 2. PHP 5. 2. 8 under Red Hat 9. Pentium 1. 66 with 3. MB of RAM. While I used RH9, the worst possible case, these notes are probably good for RH based distributions too Red Hat Enterprise, Fedora, Cent. OS. If you want to install My. SQL, it needs to be installed before PHP because PHP requires some libraries be available. Install Gcc On Mac Os X Without X Code 7' title='Install Gcc On Mac Os X Without X Code 7' />One think important when picking up a binary distribution of My. SQL is to download all four packages My. SQL server, My. SQL devel, My. SQL client and My. Go is an open source project, distributed under a BSDstyle license. This document explains how to check out the sources, build them on your own machine, and run them. Download and install. There are nightly binary builds available. Those builds are not always as stable as the release, but they contain numerous bugfixes and. Installing from source If you are interested in contributing to Matplotlib development, running the latest source code, or just like to build everything yourself. Cut the Cord. Choose any of your iOS or tvOS devices on the local network to install, run, and debug your apps without a USB cord plugged into your Mac. Eclipse 4. 3 Kepler for CC Programming How To Install Eclipse CDT 8. Get Started. Bienvenue sur le netCDF Operator NCO site. Current stable NCO version is 4. Wednesday, 08Nov2017 190832 UTC. TurboC Home Page. Porting Borland Turbo C source code to GNU gcc. Mac OS X Leopard version 10. Mac OS X now named macOS, Apples desktop and server operating system for Macintosh computers. OpenSUSE packages. SUSE ships with Darktable. A simple zypper install darktable should be enough. If you want the latest stable version you can use Darktable. SQL shared. Note The My. SQL was bundled with PHP 4 but is not anymore in PHP 5. Then you need to install Apache before PHP, because again PHP needs some libraries be available. I installed Apache 2 from source, using the very last version available, which is 2. I installed PHP 5. Here, I had a number of problems, but none which I could not resolve easily, some of them with a little help from different forums I found through Google. Rembember When it says you need a package named xyz and you notice there is also one named xyz devel, grab it. Most of the packages I got from http legacy. Red. HatRPMSA similar page exists for other versions of Red Hatand http rpmfind. This site has an updated version of some of the packages. Make sure to use only the one labeled for you version in my case, Red Hat 9. You already have glibc and glibc common installed, but you need to get glibc devel and glibc kernheaders. Make sure to match glibcs version rpm q glibc. Note When it says kernel header is a required dependency, thats glibc kernheader not kernel source. You will also need binutils no need to match the version, and gcc and cpp version must match. You need zlib devel zlib is probably already installed, match the version you have. If you install the GD extension, the actual library is already bundled with PHP 5 use that one, they have done some changes in there, so dont upgrade, but you will need to install libpng and libpng devel match version, or disable in configure if you dont want and libjpeg no devel with that one. You will also need libxml. Now there were a problem, because PHP requires libxml. Red Hat only supplied 2. RH9 if you have a more recent distro, you might be more lucky. After looking for a while, I decided to grab the source code for the most recent distribution at the official website http xmlsoft. Hope my post is useful to someone. Please, share your experience when compilinginstalling for your particular platform and setup. Remember how hard its been for you the very first time. I confess, my very first server installation took me nearly a week and I was glad others helped me. Setting up AVR GCC Toolchain on Linux and Mac OS X max. Embedded. Setting up AVR GCC Toolchain on Linux and Mac OS XWindows users have been enjoying various awesome tools to help with their AVR development process like the Atmel Studio, Codevision AVR, Win. AVR, IAR Embedded Workbench, etc. This doesnt mean that Mac and Linux users are at any unfair advantage. The avr gcc toolchain supports Unix based OS like Linux and Mac OS X inherently. In this post I will show how to install the avr gcc toolchain and avrdude on Mac OS X and Linux. If you are using a Mac and want to save the trouble of going through these steps, simply install Cross. Pack for AVR Development and follow the instructions in the manual. I might go over it sometime in future though. However if you really want to learn how to set up a cross compiler, write Makefiles and use command line tools to get things done, I highly recommend doing the following steps. And trust me, they are pretty straightforward. Step 1 Install Homebrew Mac OS X onlyStep 2 Install avr gcc toolchain. Step 3 Install avrdude. Step 4 Test the toolchain. Busy and just want to get s Read the summaryStep 1 Install Homebrew Mac OS X onlyThis step is not required for Linux users since almost all Linux distribution comes with a package manager. Homebrew is the new super awesome package manager for Mac OS X. Install it by typing or pasting the following in terminal. SL https raw. githubusercontent. Homebrewinstallmasterinstall. Step 2 Install avr gcc toolchain. Mac OS XFirst tap the repository. Then install the latest version of avr libc version 4. This will pull avr binutils and avr gcc along with it as well. The second steps takes a little while to install everything, so go get yourself some tea in the meantime. The Homebrew repository doesnt has the avr gdb formulae yet. If you need the avr gdb debugger, go for the AVR Cross. Pack. Linux. The following steps are for DebianUbuntu Linux. For other Linux distributions, please install read this. It is usually a good idea to update all the packages you already have installed. Then install the required packages. You can also install gdb avr is you like. It is useful for in system debuggingemulation. Once done, type avr in the terminal and press tab twice do not hit enter. You should be able to see all the tools installed for you. Mac. Step 3 Install avrdude. AVR GCC is a toolchain that will help you with the software development process, but doesnt do anything about burning the final executable the hex file to the microcontroller. For that we need to install AVR Downloader Uploa. DEr avrdude. Mac OS XWe will again use Homebrew to install it. Linux. The following steps are for DebianUbuntu Linux. For other Linux distributions, please install read this. This should be pretty quick. Once installed, type avrdude v in the terminal to check if it is installed properly. Step 4 Test the toolchain. Thats all we need for now. Lets test whether it works or not. I have used the LED blinking code called led. ATmega. 32 for demonstration. Refer to this post to understand what it does. Once the tools are installed no matter how, everything from here remains the same for both Mac OS X and Linux. FCPU 1. 60. 00. 00. UL or whatever may be your frequency. DDRC 0x. 01 initialize port C. LED on. PORTC 0b. PC0 High Vcc. LED off. Big White Patch On Nail here. PORTC 0b. PC0 Low 0v. Assuming the name of the file is led. The code should compile without any errors. Dont worry if you dont understand what the commands do or mean, we will discuss about them in detail in the next post. Os mmcuatmega. O ihex led. Type cat led. hex in the terminal and see if the hex file is generated. If you see something like in the image below, youre all set We will need the hardware to test avrdude, so lets just skip it for now. In my next post, Ill show you how you can use the avrdude to transfer the hex file generated above to run on an actual hardware. If you have any questions, please ask them below. Thank you. Summary. Heres what you gotta do on Mac OS X. SL https raw. githubusercontent. Homebrewinstallmasterinstall. And heres what you gotta do on DebianUbuntu Linux. For all other Linux distributions, read this. Thanks for reading Subscribe and stay updated Written by Mayank Prasad Last updated on June 1.