Dealing with old rental homes has taught me a thing or two about drywall and plaster. After reading this post I guarantee youll be able to permanently fix any drywall crack in no time. Ive included affiliate links for your convenience. I earn a small percentage from a purchase using these links. There is no additional cost to you. You can read more about affiliate links here. Materials Thats not a bad supply list. My grocery list puts it to shame and is far more expensive and thats without buying Dogfish Head IPA beer. Lets get started and eliminate your cracked drywall Instructions Step 1 Apply Fiberglass Mesh Tape to Your Drywall Crack. COLORFUL-NAILS-570.jpg?1' alt='Big White Patch On Nail' title='Big White Patch On Nail' />Express yourself with nail polish get great nail colors and finishes like essie luxeffects at Harmondiscount. Personalize your look shop for nail gloss and. Amelia asked Help. Ive spilled black nail varnish on a cream carpet. Free Bible Software Download For Pc. The area isnt very big. Some of the varnish is just on the surface, however, there is a. Shop for nail polish gift sets you will love online at Target. Free shipping and save 5 every day with your Target REDcard. Big Dont Tread On Me Patch 2017 Guide to Emergency Survival in America. BIG DONT TREAD ON ME PATCH Watch FREE Video Now Recommended. Dr James L. How will Liar end Viewers reveal their theories about how the gripping ITV drama will reach its nailbiting conclusion including murder, a secret accomplice and a. One of the biggest mistakes anyone can make is to just add joint compound or spackling to the drywall crack. Over time the crack will come back because the compound or spackling will never win the fight between it and your house settling. Its like Pee Wee Herman challenging Mike Tyson. Adding fiberglass mesh drywall tape to the crack is like giving Pee Wee anabolic steroids. Center the tape on the crack. Since one side is sticky you can place it on the wall and get your Patch Plus Primer ready. Step 2 Add a Thin Coat of Patch Plus Primer to the Drywall Tape. M Patch Plus Primer is great for repairing cracks or holes in drywall because it doesnt require a primer coat like traditional joint compound. So you save time and money Big Tip when you buy 3. M Patch Plus Primer at the hardware store make sure it hasnt been opened. Otherwise, it might be bad and unusable. The same principle applies to any product that comes in a container including pre mixed joint compound. Apply a thin coat of Patch Plus Primer over your mesh tape. Just enough to fill the voids and make the tape adhere even more to the wall. If your crack is long say 2 5 feet I recommend applying the patch plus primer to the tape with a 6 inch drywall knife. To do this, youll have to scoop some of the Patch Plus Primer into a mud pan to use the larger knife. Add the spackling by starting in the middle of the tape. Spread the spackling on the tape in a downward motion from the center. Then go back and add the rest of the spackling moving upward from the center of the tape. This stretches the tape along the crack and prevents it from wrinkling. Allow this coat to dry for 3. Big Bang Theory. Step 3 Add Your Second Coat of Patch Plus Primer The reason for the light coat of 3. M Patch Plus Primer in Step 1 is so you dont have a big hump on your wall where the tape is located. Use your 6 inch knife to put on a second coat of the Patch Plus Primer. Make the width of the new coat be two inches to the right and 2 inches left of the center of the tape. Then smooth out the spackling with your 6 inch drywall knife like you did in Step 2 always starting in the center and moving toward the ends. The key tip I have here is to apply slightly more pressure on the side of the knife that touches the drywall. This pressure change will feather the Patch Plus Primer and blend it into the existing drywall. Depending on your skill and how perfect you want the wall you may have to apply a 3rd coat. Step 4 Lightly Sand the Patch Plus Primer For small drywall repair jobs I like to use a fine grit sanding sponge to feather the edges of spackling or joint compound. Lightly move the sanding sponge in a circular motion over the patched area. Circular motions will help blend the patch into the drywall. It will take a well trained eye to notice where you made your repair. Step 5 Paint Your Wall. The best part about the 3. M Patch Plus Primer is that you dont have to prime it. Patch Plus Primer can be painted over after 3. Use a good quality paint brush or roller. Ive been using a Purdy 2 inch brush for 2 years now and while the handle is rusted, the bristles look fantastic. I always rinse my brush in warm water then wrap it in Glad Press N Seal. Brittany also has a great tutorial on keeping your paint brushes looking new. The wall looks pretty darn good, wouldnt you say Im gonna go out on a limb here but I think even Dr. Evil would be pleased with this job. Now you know the secret to permanently fixing a drywall crack. This entire project can be done in one afternoon or over the weekend without breaking a sweat. Stick around for a while We have a lot more home and auto fixes and repairs for you Learn more about Jeff. How to Remove Nail Polish from Carpet. Skip links. Amelia asked Help. Ive spilled black nail varnish on a cream carpet. The area isnt very big. Some of the varnish is just on the surface, however, there is a big circle patch that has gone right down to the bottom of the carpet. If I dont get it out, I will lose my deposit Help please. Pulling spilled nail polish out of carpet fibers can be time consuming. The amount of cleaning required will depend on the amount of nail polish spilled and the fibers of the carpet. Be prepared to spend some time removing big stains. Regardless of the size of the stain, the removal method remains the same. Here are the steps to lift the stain. You Will Need Soft cloths. Nail polish remover with or without acetoneHydrogen peroxide. Water. Rubbing alcohol. Hairspray. Carpet cleaner. Steps to Clean Up Fresh Spills Fresh spills are the easiest to clean up and most likely to completely be removed from the carpet. If a nail polish spill occurs, keep the area moist. Preventing the polish from drying and setting will help make it much easier to remove. Get an old, soft cloth and blot up as much of the spill as possible. Change to a fresh part of the cloth frequently to avoid spreading the stain. Blot the area well with water to keep the polish moist and prevent it from drying. Moisten another soft cloth with a small amount of nail polish remover. Test a small, hidden area in a closet, under a piece of furniture or back in a corner to ensure the nail polish remover does not remove the color from the carpet. Keep the stain wet with water while you are watching the test area. If the test area works well, moisten the cloth with additional nail polish remover and blot it onto the stain. You should see the nail polish transferring to the cloth. Change the cloth often and continue blotting until the stain is removed. Add water as necessary to keep the polish from drying. Rubbing alcohol or hair spray which contains alcohol can also be applied to the stain to help with removal. If the carpet is white or light in color, hydrogen peroxide can also be applied. This can have a bleaching effect and should not be used on colored or dark carpets without testing it first. Continue blotting with a clean portion of the cloth until all of the polish is removed. Once the stain is removed, clean the area with water and a mild soap or carpet shampoo to remove any remaining cleaning product. Rinse by blotting thoroughly with a cloth moistened with plain water. Press out as much moisture as possible with a clean, dry cloth. Allow the area to air dry completely. You Will Need Soft cloths. Nail polish remover with or without acetoneWater. Rubbing alcohol. Carpet Deep CleanerWet Vac. Carpet Stain Remover. Carpet shampoo. Old toothbrush. Steps to Clean Up Dried Spills Cleaning up dried spills is more challenging because the polish and color have already set on the fibers of the carpet. Removing them will require both loosening the bond from the fiber and then cleaning it away. Begin by moistening the area with water to get the ball rolling. Once the area is well moistened with water, apply some nail polish remover and rubbing alcohol. Use an old, small brush, such as a toothbrush, and gently brush the fibers. Work from the bottom toward the top if possible. The brush will help to peel the loosened paint from the carpet. Pay close attention to the carpet when you are scrubbing. Scrubbing to aggressively can damage the carpet fibers and leave a rough looking area on the carpet. Vacuum the area frequently to remove any loosened polish. It may even be possible to pick some of the larger pieces out with your fingers. Add more water to keep the area moist and repeat with applying nail polish remover and rubbing alcohol. Stain remover, such as Resolve can also be used once the polish starts to loosen. Scrub and rinse. Repeat as necessary until the stain is removed. Wash the area to remove any remaining polish remover and allow the area to air dry completely. Other items that can be applied to the stain These have been used by others with varying degrees of success. Always test a small, hidden area first to ensure it does not damage the color or carpet fibers. Vanish Carpet Cleaner. Acetone is the chemical that can bleach carpets. If you are concerned about discoloration, try a non acetone nail polish remover first. It is still necessary to run a test area to ensure there is no discoloration, but the lack of acetone makes it more gentle on the carpeting. Do not use bleach on carpeting. It is too harsh for the carpet fibers and can cause discoloration and damage. If the spot is small and only on the surface, it may be possible to remove it by trimming the fibers of the carpet. The process for trimming these fibers is the same as removing an area of carpeting that has a burn mark. More information is available in our guide How to Remove Cigarette Burns from Carpet. If the stain is large and cannot be removed, it may be easier to replace that section of carpeting. Instructions for this process are available in our guide How to Fix Bleached Carpet. Big White Patch On Nail© 2017