JKP Application Development Services, Microsoft Office Application Development Startup Problems. Short howto on using Outlook macros to move selected emails from Inbox to a target folder based on the GTD Getting Things Done system of processing input. Diablo 3 On Windows Vista. How do I copy an email to the clipboard and then paste it into excel with the tables intact I am using Outlook 2007 and I want to do the equivalent of Click on. Excel VBA Microsoft Excel VBAThis archive is from the original message board at www. Mr. Excel. com. All contents 1. Mr. Excel. com. Visit our online store to buy searchable CDs with thousands of VBA and Excel answers. Microsoft Excel is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation. Mr. Excel is a registered trademark of Tickling Keys, Inc. Best Software To Delete Empty Folders Vba' title='Best Software To Delete Empty Folders Vba' />Hopefully my explanation of what happens is clear. If I choose an empty folder as the targetted save path and then press cancel the text in my specified cell. C. I assure you this is a difficult question, so read it carefully before attempting to help. Please, dont point me to any rookie programmer links or sample clipboard code links. I am already fairly expert at VBA and have spent hours looking at links. I found a few that addressed this exact problem but those experts concluded that it cant be done within the Excel Object Module. The user selects several cells and does a Ctrl C, then selects another cell anywhere they want and then call my macro, Paste. Special. Sum which inserts formula sumbook. Paste. Special. Sum retrieves the users range off the clipboard which I discovered was very difficult. I developed the attached Reselect. Clip code to solve the problem. But it is complicated, so the goal of this questions is to come up with a better way. Interested in learning more about Excel VBA MrExcel will teach you how to use Microsoft Excel VBA. Check out our site for more information about Excel VBA tutorials. VBAaddin interface mismatch from VBA you call method A of your addin but you end up in method B. Ive seen this happen a few times, at least when the. Lotro Error 201 Windows 8 Fix, Clean LOTRO ERROR 201 WINDOWS 8 And Optimize PC SPEED Up Your PC FREE Scan Now Recommended. Regserve Pro 6. I do NOT want the user to call my macro first, so please do not suggest code like set Desired. Range inputbox Please select desired cells. I also do NOT want my user to select the destination first. The ctrl C must be done first. Also, I cant use events because the user might switch to a cell in another workbook, then call Paste. Special. Sum. And they might select various cells before deciding where to paste it. This means I cannot easily use events like Selectionchange. NOTE Code posted below is not the correct code for this issue. Please see this comment for the correct code http www. Q2. 72. 51. 77. 3.