This update just in from VMware Support VMware Engineering have confirmed that the issue is dependent on the installupgrade sequence. Specifically, the issue is aligned to the version of deploypkg. GSS and Engineering are mapping the ESX and vmtools update versions to the deploypkg. A KB article will be published once this information is finalised. Thanks to VMware Support for getting to this stage very quickly. The VMware KB Article 2. Final Word. I guess someone has to take the risk and patch their systems to the latest versions first, especially as these were security patches with a critical severity. Fortunately like all good IT environments I only did my test systems first. This is the whole point of having infrastructure test systems. You can test infrastructure hardware and infrastructure software changes first before putting them into production. The old saying goes that software eventually works and hardware eventually fails, but these days a lot of your hardware is also software, especially in a virtualized software defined datacenter. Update As Select In Oracle Examples Sql. It pays to have appropriate test systems and test plans to mitigate the risks associated with software updates and changes of all types, including infrastructure software. Thanks to all of you in the community that contributed to this effort and commented on this blog post. I have been relaying your feedback during my discussions with VMware Support. This post first appeared on the Long White Virtual Clouds blog at longwhiteclouds. By Michael Webster. Copyright 2. IT Solutions 2. Ltd and Michael Webster. All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced for commercial purposes without written permission.