Cozy Industrial Home Tour Liz Marie Blog. A few weeks ago I went to Charlotte with one of my best friends, Rachael. While we were there we drove down to Columbia SC to see our other friend Melissa meet her precious new baby. Aerobic3DF.jpg' alt='Septic Tank Diagram For Installing Power' title='Septic Tank Diagram For Installing Power' />It was so fun to see her and spend the day at her beautiful home. While we were there I Instagrammed a photo of her kitchen since then a lot of people have been asking to see a tour of her home. Well, look no further. I took a few photos of part of her home while we were there Im sharing them today. I hope you are inspired by her home her. Melissa is a jeweler one of my most talented spirited friends I have. She inspires me daily Im so thankful for our friendship. You can see her work below after her home tour. I will be just showing you a few lovely spots in her home. They moved into this home not too long ago in that time they have had a gorgeous baby girl so home projects have been put on hold, but they have really re done most of the house from top to bottom to make it there own they have some amazing DIY plans for their house in the near future like re doing their dining room, adding a barn door to their pantry so much more. Here is a mini cozy industrial home tourTheir kitchen is one of my favorite parts of their home. They completely re did the whole thing themselves every detail is just so perfect. I love the industrial pipe corbels on the bar, the natural wood bar, the subway tile backsplash the most. They want to add a sliding barn door to the pantry a few other details, but I think it looks amazing the way it is. Melissas husband built this TV stand loosely off of our DIY TV stand out of barn wood that they bought from a local man in Columbia. Didnt it turn out amazing Im also loving this antique fan turned light. Their living room with the barn wood tv stand is right off of the living room breakfast nook making this space so open airy. The rug in this space is from Rugs USA, the curtains are from Crate Barrel, most of the pillows were DIY projects. The rustic window gallery wall is on a large wall in their home is a collection of windows, shutters, printer drawers she collected over time. I didnt get pictures of the entire nursery, but imagine a lovely cowhide rug on the floor, a lovely little crib mobile, you have the makings of a beautiful nursery for a beautiful little girl. Seriously shes so chunky Im obsessed with her. Make that obsessed with both of them. Near or far shes such an amazing friend Im thankful for this one day that we had together. Isnt her house fun What is your favorite part As I have mentioned before on the blog, Melissa has a wonderful Etsy shop, January Jewelry, where she sells her handmade jewelry. Zoeller_Grinder_Pump_Installations.jpg' alt='Septic Tank Diagram For Installing Power' title='Septic Tank Diagram For Installing Power' />Sheads With Windows And Lights Shed Organizing Tips Sheads With Windows And Lights Free Online Design A Shed Big Chicken Coop For Sale. I actually purchased a pair of earrings from her when we went to visit because Im completely obsessed with her work. She was on maternity leave, but her shop is slowly opening back up I know she couldnt be more excited about it. You can see her shop here. She will also be at Indie Craft Parade Sep 1. Greenville SC. selling her amazing pieces there as well along side a bunch of other handpicked makers. I saw little previews of her booth its going to be a stunner for sureLet me know in the comments below if you are going to the Indie Craft Parade if you do stop by her booth and say hi to her for me Be sure to find me on Facebook Instagram to chatHome. O. P. Since I started the Biolytix in Liquidation thread a couple of weeks age it has been suggested that another thread be started to separate issues related to liquidation, company structure and management etc from issues related to service, maintenance and problems with operation of the system. Accordingly, to make it worthwhile having this thread we should restrict posts in this threads to the latter. Perhaps installers and those who service the system could post their experiences of specific problems and solutions. Does the published Service Manual provide sufficient information for plumbers without specialised training in servicingrepairing the system If not, is more info available anywhere Is there currently anywhere that equipmentparts can be sourced in the event of a serious failureBefore you lift the toilet to snake the line test the toilet itself. Swirling in the bowl is a primary indication that the water from the tank is not entering the. Beedy Yes the service manual does supply the information but they will need to be able to conduct the chemical analysis and therefore need the Dissolved Oxygen test kit, Ph test kit and Turbity sight tube and then need to be able to assess the health of the unit and apply corrective actions as required. I can not answer for all plumbers as some are able to read and decipher quite well but there are always those who dont read the instructions or try to follow what they mean. This is where the knowledge of Biolytix service techs was used to tweak the systems health each service. Generally I found most systems to be in excellent health but from time to time small corrective actions were carried out. Additional air blasting was introduced as a procedure while servicing was undertaken and chem washing was used on a couple of systems. Most of the other checks are visual and the checking of float switches for the alarm and pump and the air switch. Like with anything training and familiarity with procedures and the product helps. Parts and equipment are available should they be deemed necessry. Air pumps, submersible pump, air switch and float switches are really the only components that may fail. Hope this is helpfull. I have the service manual, and am going to have my plumber have a look to see if he can service the system. He is not a biolytix accrediated installer Hopefully as you say Bushaven, all the required information is in the manual, and being quite a simple system, hopefully any plumber can work it out pretty quick. Is there anything in particular you recommend we keep an eye on Bushaven Out of interest I contacted AA Wormfarm about their retrofitting of existing systems. I was curious as, with the demise of Biolytix, I might have to look at alternative systems if the company doesnt get sold and we have no back up into the future. The quoted me about 6. K for a retrofit. They use the same Everhard tank but with a garbage bin where the central inspection hatch goes. So as far as I can see itd be much the same sort of system. They didnt tell me if they used a pump like the Sumo but I presume so. Their electricals are also not mounted on the lid. They mount theirs on a pole or house wall. This was an option with Biolytix, but Ive never seen one. The sumo 25 pump in the earlier Biolytix units like mine is supposed to be one of the best pumps around and should last about ten years. They are apparently very hard to find in Australia now. Mine went a bit wobbly but we managed to clean it out. Biofilm is what they want to call it nowadays, Id call it sludge. Its now working like a champion. So 5 years down, 5 to go The 5 in the Sumo 25 refers to the number of impellers. A replacement pump of a similar sort, different brand, is about 4. Apart from the Owners and Service manuals available to all on Lawlers website I also have instructions on installing a 3. Everhard agents and on how to block off the overflow pipe if, like mine, yours has one. The earlier BF6 had an overflow which was connected to a length of 1. So not only did it allow water to flow out if the tank got too full if you had a pump failure, but it could, and often did, allow water to flow into the tank if you had a rise in water table or a rain event. If anyone wants these just PM me with your email address. In the other thread you Ithink said you were looking at putting together a kit that could be used to retrofit a telemetry alarm. Have you made any progress with this I for one would prefer to convert my BF 6 early model rather than wait until something eventuates via the liquidators. O. P. Bushaven writes. Additional air blasting was introduced as a procedure while servicing was undertaken and chem washing. Thanks for your input. A Crack In The Floor Trailers. Are there any readily available instructions online or print for the above procedures There is a a new company being formed in Queensland by several of the tech staff from Biolytix from which spare parts such as Audio visual alarm conversion kits, pumps etc and they will be conducting servicing around the Queensland area with some alliances to some of the installers in at least Victoria. Early days and I am not sure whether we can use this forum to promote them. Biolytix units are a product that people who no about them beleive in and want them supported and this is all I have been trying to communicate on the other thread. M Rossi. Turbidity and dissolved oxygen give very key indicators to the health of the system. Low dissolved oxygen levels indicate problems with the air pump and that the water in the pump well may need supplementary aeration, This can effect turbidity levels as can also overloading, power failures and lots of other minor issues too numerous to name. Most of these issues are indicators to help tune the systems performance. Sounds complex but not really. Nice having one of these systems myself cause I can monitor changes and learn what procedures change certain indicators. I am always picking up little tricks. Hard to detail 5 years of servicing here this is why it is preferential to find a service technician if possible because special equipment is required such as testing equipment, higher volume air pumps etc. Air blast and chem wash procedures have to be completed with caution so I dont necessarily recommend them for the novice. Sorry about the spelling folks. It has been a long week and Friday night is not normally the best time to be typing out procedures. Should really be relaxing over a red. O. P. Bushaven writes. Early days and I am not sure whether we can use this forum to promote them. I, and Im sure many others are very interested in this new company that is being formed. Members often post links and information about products and services, as I understand it the main consideration is that you avoid directly advertising your own business. For further clarification you can TWAM Talk With a Mod here forum1. You should use this forum to Discuss or escalate any moderation concerns you have been personally affected by. Seek advice from the moderation team prior to posting a new thread or post if you are unsure whether it may breach the Forum Rules. Bushaven, I wonder if you could give us owners some guidance in what to expect from a new service agent. Specifically, what does a standard service involve, and how long should it take All assuming nothing extra needs doing of course. So far as I can gather, service will involve a visual inspection, check of pump and associated switches, water test, flush irrigation lines chem clean and airblast the bed.