Barry Kauler has announced the release of a new version of the Puppy Linux distribution. Puppy Linux provides users with a lightweight, installable live CD which strives to be easy to use. The new release, Puppy Linux 6. Slackware packages and is available in 3. It has been awhile since the last announcement of an official release of Puppy Linux, 6. Tahrpup, starting with 6. October 2. 01. 4. Mick Amadio, the coordinator for Puppy built from Slackware 1. Puppy to a new release, version 6. This is distinct from Puppy 6. Ubuntu Trusty Tahr binary packages, coordinated by Phil Broughton. Mick coordinated Puppy 5. Slackware packages. For the first time, Puppy is released in both 3. Further information on the new Puppy Linux release can be found in the projects release announcement. Asterisk Show Active Calls Php Download For MacThere are also release notes for the 3. Download slacko. MB, MD5. Also available from OSDisc. About Puppy Linux. Puppy Linux is yet another Linux distribution. Whats different here is that Puppy is extraordinarily small, yet quite full featured. Puppy boots into a ramdisk and, unlike live CD distributions that have to keep pulling stuff off the CD, it loads into RAM. This means that all applications start in the blink of an eye and respond to user input instantly. Puppy Linux has the ability to boot off a flash card or any USB memory device, CDROM, Zip disk or LS1. Superdisk, floppy disks, internal hard drive. It can even use a multisession formatted CD RWDVD RW to save everything back to the CDDVD with no hard drive required at all. Recent Related News and Releases. Distribution Release Puppy Linux 6. TahrpupBarry Kauler has announced the release of Puppy Linux 6. Tahrpup edition, a minimalist distribution compatible with Ubuntu 1. We have another official Puppy Linux release. Since I retired from developing Puppy Linux early in 2. Puppy community forked my Woof Puppy builder, naming it woof CE. Since then, 0. 1micko has been active with a Puppy built from Slackware packages, named Slacko Puppy. The guys have also been working on another pup, built from Ubuntu Trusty Tahr binary packages, under the leadership of Phil Broughton and this has now reached release status. It is named Tahrpup and is version 6. Tahrpup is an official release of Puppy Linux for those who would like the package manager to have compatibility with the large collection of packages in the Ubuntu repository. Here is the complete release announcement with relevant links. Download tahr 6. CEno. PAE. iso 1. MB, MD5, tahr 6. CEPAE. iso 1. 99. MB, MD5. 2. 01. 4 0. Distribution Release Puppy Linux 5. SlackoPuppy Linux 5. Slacko edition, a small and fast distribution built from and compatible with Slackwares binary packages, has been released as the flagship Puppy release. From the release announcement Slacko Puppy is built from a Puppy builder system named Woof, which can build a Puppy Linux distribution from the binary packages of any other distro. There are many puppies built with Woof, including Precise, Wary, Racy, and Slacko. A new release of Slacko Puppy Linux is out Slacko Puppy is built from Slackware 1. TXZ packages, hence has binary compatibility with Slackware and access to the Slackware, Salix and Slacky package repositories. More comprehensive release notes and documentation of known issues are available. Slacko 5. 7 is the first Puppy built from the woof CE build system, forked from Barry Kaulers Woof late last year after he announced his retirement from Puppy development. It is the natural progression of Slacko 5. CE. More links for readers to follow can be found on Barry Kaulers blog. Download slacko 5. NO pae. iso 1. 61. MB, MD5, slacko 5. PAE. iso 1. 62. MB, MD5. Distribution Release Puppy Linux 5. SlackoPuppy Linux 5. Slacko edition, a small and fast distribution built from and compatible with Slackwares binary packages, has been released This is an improved version of the successful Slacko 5. The biggest enhancement in this version is full support of the f. Slacko 5. 6 has many improvements due to the heavy development of the Woof build system and the many bugfixes to the Slacko base packages independent from Woof. Lots of packages have been updated for the 5. SFS Manager, Updates Manager, improved graphics support, updated ffmpeg 2. Pmusic and Mplayer, Abiword 2. Sylpheed 3. 3. 0, Firefox ESR, plus many other updated programs. Slacko 5. 6 is available with a choice of kernels, 3. PAE, and 3. 1. 0. Read the whole release announcement and find more on the homepage of Slacko Puppy. Download slacko 5. G NON PAE. iso 1. MB, MD5, slacko 5. PAE. iso 1. 65. MB, MD5. Distribution Release Puppy Linux 5. PreciseBary Kauler has announced the release of Puppy Linux 5. Precise edition, a minimalist and fast distribution featuring the JWM window manager and compatible with Ubuntu 1. This is going to take everyone by surprise. I decided that 5. RC. Here is a short announcement. Another pup in the Precise seriesThis pup comes in two flavours, one for older hardware andor those on dial up Internet, the other for those with relatively modern hardware. The retro flavour is an upgrade path for those who have used our Wary Puppy, that targeted older PCs and analog modem dial up unlike most other Linux distributions, it continues to support a wide range of analog winmodems. Like A Virgin Branson Torrent. It also has two web browsers, Sea. Monkey and Opera, the latter preferred for PCs with less than 2. MB RAM. Read the rest of the release announcement and check out the more technical release notes for further information. Download MD5 precise 5. MB, precise 5. 7 retro. MB. 2. 01. 3 0. Distribution Release Puppy Linux 5. PreciseBary Kauler has announced the release of Puppy Linux 5. Precise edition, a minimalist distribution and live CD featuring the JWM window manager and built from Ubuntu 1. Its out Our latest and greatest Puppy. Relative to Precise Puppy 5. X. Org video wizard with forced reboot recovery mechanism, new non PAE 3. Internet, many more applications internationalized, many applications upgraded, lots of bug fixes, and so on. Plus, a huge number of fixes and improvements at the infrastructuresystem level. In all, a great new version of the Precise series. Read the release announcement and release notes for more information. Download the live CD image from the ibiblio. MB, MD5. 2. 01. 3 0. Distribution Release Puppy Linux 5.