Ubuntu ships with Transmission, a Bit. Torrent client. Fedora does not offer any proprietary firmware, so it may not work with some Bluetooth or Wi Fi adapters and graphics cards. While Ubuntu does not pre install proprietary software either, it allows the user to download some popular proprietary software like Flash and Wi Fi drivers with a simple click during the install process. Interface differences. Fedoras default desktop is GNOME 3. This is quite different from other desktop environments, even when compared to other GNOME desktops. For example, users must press the alt key to reach the shutdown menu, instead of accessing it from the regular menu, and windows cannot be easily shrunk or re sized. However, web sites, such as Gmail, are treated as local applications and can start automatically when you turn on your PC. The system requires 3. D capable graphics cards. List of Freeware to Create Bootable USB Drive to Install Windows and Linux Many times we need to install fresh Windows or a Linux distro in a computer system but we. Ubuntus default desktop is unity, which is available in 2. D and 3. D. It uses a standard GNOME based interface and is designed to be a universal interface for desktops, tablets and smartphones. It allows users to pin web applications to the Launcher on the desktop and conduct an online search in the dash. How To Install Mozilla Firefox In Fedora 8 Os' title='How To Install Mozilla Firefox In Fedora 8 Os' />Below, four Linux based systems are compared, including Bodhi, Fedora, Ubuntu, and Open. SUSE. Release Schedule and Support. Both Ubuntu and Fedora release a new version every six months. Ubuntu versions for both desktop and server are supported for 9 months while Fedora versions are supported for 1. Every two years, Ubuntu releases an LTS version Long Term Support, that is guaranteed support for 5 years. Use on servers. Many users choose a Linux distribution on a server based on the environment they are comfortable with. Disable Auto Lock Windows 7 Gpo more. This is either Debian based where Ubuntu Server is a popular choice, or RPM based, where Cent. OS is a more popular choice compared with Fedora because Cent. OS offers maintenance for 4 years and security releases for up to 7 years. Popularity on desktop. According to online surveys, including with PC World, and ZDNet, Ubuntu is the most popular Linux distribution. As of January 2. 01. Ubuntu was downloaded 8. CNet. Although Fedora is now downloaded from its own website, an earlier edition saw 1. PerformanceSpeed. Different hardware can affect the comparative performance of Fedora and Ubuntu. Some benchmark tests suggest that Ubuntu boots faster while Fedora is faster to shut down. Fedora won more of these tests than Ubuntu, but many of these were practical ties in performance. Compatibility. Fedora is based on Red Hat Linux and uses the RPM package manager Ubuntu is based on Debian and uses APT. Software binaries for Fedora and Ubuntu are incompatible. History. The Fedora Project was founded in 2. It was began as an undergraduate project by Warren Togami and its development was based on collaboration with the global volunteer community. Ubuntu was based on the Debian projects codebase. Since its initial release in October 2.