Duplicate Killer for Microsoft Outlook. Select comparison options to find, merge and remove Outlook duplicates automatically using 4Team Duplicate Killer. Vielen Dank, bei mir war es noch schlimmer, ein Windows Server 2003 ohne PowerShell 2. Exchange 2007. Hier ist ein Update auf PowerShell 2. If you would like to read the other parts in this article series please go to Planning and migrating a small organization from Exchange 2007 to 2013 Part 1. An easy to follow guide on how to setup outlook anywhere in exchange 2007, this guide will also work for exchange 2010. Also how to setup outlook clients to connect. How To Manually Remove An Exchange 2007 Installation Management' title='How To Manually Remove An Exchange 2007 Installation Management' />Replacing Ex. Merge by Import Mailbox and Export Mailbox. Last month Exchange 2. SP1 reached its final release stage. This is packed with new functionality, including the highly awaited Ex. Unify Email Signatures Disclaimers in your company using a reliable and easy to use Signature Addon for Exchange Server 2016201320102007 SBS. I have been trying to get Exchange 2010 to run for a while and it is causing nothing but problems. I ended up wiping out my server and doing a clean. MS Exchange articles, scripts and news. Keep in touch with the latest updates in MS Exchange and thrid party extensions. This step by step guide will take you through the process of installing an Exchange Server 2010 Database Availability Group. Merge replacement for PST imports and exports. As discussed in Using Ex. Merge with Exchange 2. Ex. Merge. Indeed following that article I received tens of emails confirming that Ex. Merge was working great with Exchange 2. However the Ex. Merge solution is not supported by Microsoft. Exchange 2. 00. 7 SP1 now fills this gap through the Import Mailbox and Export Mailbox cmdlets. These provide a powerful solution consistent with the Exchange 2. Microsoft is happy to support. Just like Ex. Merge, the cmdlets allow for advanced operations such as merges and email filtering based on various criteria. Furthermore the cmdlets address one of the most problematic Ex. Merge issues, the 2. GB PST limit. As soon as we fire export mailbox to produce our first PST, we are greeted with some bad news You are running on a 6. To export to or import from a. Outlook 2. 00. 3 SP2 or later installed. At line 1 char 1 e lt lt lt lt xport mailbox identity administrator pstfolderpath C PSTsThe cmdlets certainly provide advancements over Ex. Merge. However similar to Ex. Merge these still suffer from long winded, trouble prone setup requirements. In fact today we wont discuss the cmdlets usage in depth. Instead we focus on setting up and satisfying the requirements for the cmdlets to run. Preparing the Machine. From the introductory error, we already know these cmdlets wont run on the 6. Exchange 2. 00. 7 server. Instead we must setup a 3. Exchange 2. 00. 7 Management Tools. Many will remember that Exchange 2. However here we wont install a full server. Only the Management Tools are required, a setup that MS does support on 3. So it is time for us to start downloading the 3. Exchange 2. 00. 7 SP1 build. This build includes the complete Exchange install i. RTM version first. While the download is in progress we will prepare a typical 3. XP SP2 machine with all the Exchange 2. Next we also need to install the Microsoft Internet Information Services Common Files from the Control Panel AddRemove Programs applet. We should now be set to run the Exchange 2. Here we follow the wizard until reaching the Installation Type selection. At this point we go for a Custom Exchange Server Installation. This allows us to select the exact component to install from which we just select the Management Tools option. Finally we have to install Outlook 2. SP2 or Outlook 2. This is probably the most disappointing requirement. If Outlook happens to be in use for other administrative tasks this should be no problem, otherwise smaller shops wont be happy to consume a license in this manner. In return we get the latest Personal Folders Store provider that allows us to beat the 2. GB PST limit. Account Rights. Just like in case of Ex. Merge it is easy to predict that access rights will be causing most headaches. The account used to run the cmdlets must be assigned Local Administrator on the XP machine. Exchange Server Administrator Role on the target Exchange 2. Full access to the mailboxes against which the importexport operation is run. For this article I created a new user named PSTAdmin. We can normally work with existing user accounts. However if we run into access rights problems, creating a new account helps starting afresh. Assign the Exchange Server Administrator Role. Open the Management Console, right click the Organization Configuration and select Add Exchange Administrator. Click on browse to select the PSTAdmin account. Select Exchange Server Administrator roleClick on Add and select the Exchange mailbox server. Here my virtual machine was unimaginatively named PCBOX. Complete the wizard. This will return a warning saying To fully administer exchange server, you need to manually add the user or group dom. Users PSTAdmin to the built in local administrators group on server PCBOX. From my experience this was not necessary for these cmdlets. If your experience is different please post a comment Allowing Mailbox Access. When running the cmdlets against a few mailboxes, we could assign the Full Access permission on a mailbox using the Management Console. This is another Exchange 2. SP1 addition. To do this, just select the mailbox and select Manage Full Access Permission. Editing the permissions of individual mailboxes quickly becomes unpractical. If performing brick level backups we will want rights over all mailboxes within the database. Furthermore we dont want to modify the rights for each newly created mailbox. This is when the command shell becomes the best option. These cmdlets will run happily if we assign the Recieve. As right over the mailbox database of interest. In this manner new mailboxes will also be covered. Get Mailbox. Database identity PCBOXFirst Storage GroupMailbox Database Add ADPermission user DOM1PSTAdmin Extended. Rights Receive As. Here we are piping the results of Get Mailbox. Database to Add ADPermission. Add ADPermission is fed with the account DOM1PSTAdmin for which the extended right Receive As is to be set. Running the Cmdlets. We are ready to start running the cmdlets. Here are some simple examples. Export the mailbox for user. Export all mailboxes from the selected mailbox database Get Mailbox Database PCBOXFirst Storage GroupMailbox Database Export Mailbox PSTFolder. Path d tempexport. Import winfo. pst to the winfodom. PSTFolder. Path d temppstswinfo. When running these commands take note of the returned report. The Status Message value will show any error information. The Report File value will return a path to an XML report. This is especially useful when multiple mailboxes are processed. The following image shows a snippet of what export mailbox returns Check the References section for more details and practical examples on using these cmdlets. Troubleshooting Tips. To conclude this discussion I researched some of the errors that may be returned when running these cmdlets. Server Administrator Role Not Assigned. Without the Server Administrator Role, a user wont even be able to export his own mailbox. Here is what export mailbox returns in that case The specified mailbox database PCBOXFirst Storage GroupMailbox Database does not exist. Missing Mailbox Access Rights. Once the Server Administrator Role is assigned the user will be able to export and import against his own mailbox. But on trying any other mailbox the command will fail unless the necessary access rights are assigned. The following error is returned in that case Error occurred in the step Moving messages. Failed to copy messages to the destination mailbox store with error MAPI or an unspecified service provider. ID no 0. 00. 00. Final Tips. The SP1 Import Mailbox and Export Mailbox cmdlets filled a gap that for some administrator was wide enough for them to delay the deployment of Exchange 2. The cmdlets provide improved functionality over Ex. Merge. However the setup is still as complex as that for using Ex. Merge with Exchange 2. This is an area where the Exchange team could certainly do better. References. Using Ex. Merge with Exchange 2. Parallels Windows Update Not Working. Export Mailbox. Import Mailbox. How to Export Mailbox Data. Exchange 2. 00. 7 SP1.