EDP Member Application Join the Employer Discount Program now and start commuting to work for only 75 per month a 25 savings on TriRails alreadylow fares Take in The Views With This Prefabricated Curved Glass Sliding Doors. Biographies Bios are in Alphabetical Order Click Picture to Enlarge Barry Abrams Barry Abrams in Saigon, at left, with his good friend, John Mikesch then Barry in. Jun/01/2000764996/-1/-1/0/110601-R-FR000-005.JPG' alt='Fort Irwin Installation Transportation Office Fort Campbell' title='Fort Irwin Installation Transportation Office Fort Campbell' />Fort Bragg. Location. Fort Bragg is the largest Army installation by population covering about 1. Fort Bragg is located in Fayetteville, North Carolina and is home of the Airborne and Special Operations. View Larger Map. History. Fort Bragg is the home of the Airborne. For more than half a century, Fort Bragg has had a proud heritage as the Home of the Nations finest fighting forces. Originally activated in June 1. Fort Irwin Installation Transportation Office Fort Drum' title='Fort Irwin Installation Transportation Office Fort Drum' />Camp Polk, LA, the XVIII Airborne Corps was known as the II Armored Corps. It was redesignated XVIII Corps in October 1. Presidio of Monterey, California. The Corps birthday is August 2. XVIII Airborne Corps assumed command of the 8. Gta 5 Xbox Update Notes Ipad. Fort Drum and the 10th Mountain Division LI The land on which the Fort Drum military reservation sits has been used as a military training site since 1907. MU5QYTIeJ2k-mXFXYqE3w/348s.jpg' alt='Fort Irwin Installation Transportation Office Fort Carson' title='Fort Irwin Installation Transportation Office Fort Carson' />Fort carson Colorado Springs Dodge 1 Selling Dodge Dealership in Colorado Since 2007 Authorized USAA Dealer Additional Discounts and Rebates Available for USAA. Airborne Divisions. Mission. Our mission is to maintain Americas Contingency Corps as a strategic crisis response force manned and trained to deploy rapidly by air, sea, and land anywhere in the world, in order to fight upon arrival and win. It is known as the Home of the Airborne and Special Operation Force. Fort Bragg houses the XVIII Airborne Corps and the 8. Airborne Division, the U. S. Army Special Operations Command, and the U. S. Army Parachute Team the Golden Knights. Fort Bragg units also include the Corps Support Command, 5. Battlefield Surveillance Brigade, 1. Military Police Brigade, 2. Engineer Brigade, 1. ADA Brigade, 4. 4th Medical Command, 1. Fires Brigade and more. Population Served. Fort Bragg is the largest US Army base by population, serving a population of 5. Soldiers, 1. 2,6. Reserve Components and Temporary Duty students, 8,7. Contractors, and 6. There are 9. 8,5. Army retirees and family members in the area. Base Transportation. A shuttle bus is provided. The shuttle bus schedule is updated monthly. Please call 9. 10 4. Sponsorship. If you have a pinpoint assignment you can request sponsorship by mailing DA Form 5. Sponsorship Program Counseling Information Sheet to your gaining unit. Soldiers desiring a pin point assignment and a sponsor to assist them upon arrival at Fort Bragg can contact Strength Management at 9. DSN 3. 12 2. 36 9. All in processing soldiers will in process at the Bragg Reception Center, Bldg. Soldier Support Center, Normandy Street. The Fort Bragg Reception Company is open 2. DSN 3. 12 2. 36 9. Soldiers E 6 and below will in process at the Fort Bragg Reception Company, Bldg. Soldier Support Center, Normandy Street, 9. DSN 3. 12 2. 36 4. Temporary Quarters. Airborne Inn Lodging facilities are open to military personnel all ranksgrades, their family members, guests, and retired military and their guests. You can make advance reservations up to 6 months ahead of time. Incoming PCS personnel may occupy guest house facilities for up to 3. BAH. Outgoing personnel may occupy guest house facilities for up to 1. The Standard room rate is 4. Please note that you are required to pay in advance for 7 days upon check in. For information, call 9. DSN 3. 12 2. 36 7. Airborne Inn Lodging Office is located in Bldg. D 3. 60. 1, Moon Hall, on Darby Loop. Relocation Assistance. A Newcomers Orientation is held at ACS on the 1st Tuesday of the month, beginning at 9 0. The Newcomers Orientation is a great way for Fort Bragg Soldiers, Family Members, and Do. D employees to become familiar with the services and agencies available on the installation. There is also a monthly Newcomers Bus Tour of Fort Bragg and the Fayetteville area. Limited FREE childcare is available through CYSS. Please call 9. The Lending Closet is for families PCSing to or from Fort Bragg. Soldierfamily members may borrow basic household items for a designated period of time while awaiting shipment of household goods. Call the Relocation Program at 9. DSN 3. 12 2. 36 6. The Airborne Attic provides Soldiers and family members E4 and below with items of furniture, household goods and clothing free of charge. They can be reached at 9. DSN 3. 12 3. 37 2. Critical Installation Information. Fort Bragg is a restricted access base. All persons 1. 6 years and older entering the base are required to show a picture identification. Fort Bragg regulations prohibit the use of cell phones while operating a motor vehicle, except with the use of a hands free device. All active duty military personnel including allied officers and their family members assigned to Fort Bragg, DADo. D civilians employed by Fort Bragg, local Reserve and National Guard members, and contractors working on Fort Bragg must register their privately owned vehicles POVs with Vehicle Registration, for more information call 9. Wearing portable headphones, earphones, or other listening devices while operating a motor vehicle is prohibited. The use of radar or laser detection devices to indicate the presence of speed recording instruments or to transmit simulated erroneous speeds is prohibited. Contact Information. Adult Education Centers. Fort Bragg Education Services Branch. Macomb and Reilly Street. Building 2 1. 10. Fort Bragg, NC 2. Phone 9. 10 3. 96 6. Phone DSN 3. 12 2. Fax 9. 10 3. 96 8. Fax DSN 3. 12 2. Automotive Services. FIRESTONE TIRE SERVICE CENTERButner Rd, behind the North Post PXFort Bragg, NC 2. Phone 9. 10 4. 97 2. BarracksSingle Service Member Housing. Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers BOSSKnox Macomb Streets. Building 2 1. 36. Fort Bragg, NC 2. Phone 9. 10 3. 96 7. Phone DSN 3. 12 2. Fax 9. 10 3. 96 2. Fax DSN 3. 12 2. Beneficiary Counseling Assistance Coordinators. TRICAREReilly Road. Building 4 2. 81. TRICARE Service Center WAMCFort Bragg, NC 2. Phone 9. 10 9. 07 6. Beneficiary Claims Inquiries 1 8. Chapels. Religious, Marital, Pre Marital Counseling. Knox Street. Watters Family Life Center, Bldg. Fort Bragg, NC 2. Phone 9. 10 3. 96 1. Phone DSN 3. 12 2. Fax 9. 10 3. 96 9. Citizenship and Immigration Services. Citizenship and Immigration Services. Soldier Support Center. Bldg. 4 2. 84. 3 Normandy Drive. Fort Bragg, NC 2. Phone 9. 10 3. 96 6. Phone DSN 3. 12 2. Fax 9. 10 3. 96 8. Fax DSN 3. 12 2. Civilian Personnel Office. Civilian Personnel Advisory Center. Macomb Street, Building 2 1. Stack DFort Bragg, NC 2. Phone 9. 10 3. 96 6. Phone DSN 3. 12 2. Fax 9. 10 3. 96 1. Fax DSN 3. 12 2. CommissaryShoppette. North Post Commissary. Butner Road. Fort Bragg, NC 2. Phone 9. 10 3. 96 2. Phone DSN 3. 12 2. Fax 9. 10 4. 97 3. CommissaryShoppette. South Post Commissary. Canopy Lane. Fort Bragg, NC 2. Phone 9. 10 4. 36 2. Phone DSN None. Fax 9. DeploymentMobilization. Deployment Army Community Service. Soldier Support Center. Floor, Soldier Support Center, Bldg. Normandy Drive. Fort Bragg, NC 2. Phone 9. 10 4. 32 3. Phone DSN 3. 12 2. Fax 9. 10 3. 96 8. Fax DSN 3. 12 2. Do. D Schools. Fort Bragg Schools Special Education Programs. Knox Street. Irwin Middle School. PO Box 7. 00. 89. Fort Bragg, NC 2. Phone 9. 10 9. 07 0. Fax 9. 10 4. 36 3. EFMP Family Support. EFMP Family Support. Normandy Dr. Bld. Attn ACSEFMPFort Bragg, NC 2. Phone 9. 10 9. 07 3. Phone DSN 3. 12 3. Fax 9. 10 3. 96 8. Fax DSN 3. 12 2. Emergency Relief Services. American Red Cross. Bldg. 1 1. 13. 9 Macomb Streets. Fort Bragg, NC 2. Phone 9. 10 3. 96 1. Phone DSN 3. 12 2. Fax 9. 10 3. 96 6. Fax DSN 3. 12 2. ExchangesNorth Post Exchange PXButner and 2nd Streets. Fort Bragg, NC 2. Phone 9. 10 4. 36 4. Fax 9. 10 4. 36 6. Finance Office. 82d Finance. Gavin Hall. Fort Bragg, NC 2. Phone 9. 10 4. 320. Phone DSN 3. 12 2. HospitalMedical Treatment FacilitysJoel Health Clinic. Bldg M 4. 86. 1, Logistics Avenue. Fort Bragg, NC 2. Phone 9. 10 9. 07 5. Phone DSN 3. 12 3.