Free Automotive Differential Ring and Pinion Gear Installation Instructions. Remove the old gear set and thoroughly clean both the ring. After cleaning, air dry all parts. Always verify that you have the correct gear ratio that you have purchased. Install Internet Explorer With Wsus Update there. This. can be checked by dividing ring gear tooth count by the pinion tooth count. Wholesale discount prices on Dana 35 gears, install kits, ring and pinion, spider gears for your Dana 35 diff offroad truck4X4 vehicle ECGS offers Dana 35. Need the Proper Puller http Get the Bearing Race Driver here http This video is dealing with Removing the Pinion. G2s line of Performance Series ring and pinions are engineered and manufactured to handle the increased loads of todays performance vehicles. How To Install Ring And Pinion Dana 35 Ring' title='How To Install Ring And Pinion Dana 35 Ring' />Ring gear tooth count 3. T, pinion gear Tooth count 1. T, 3. 5 divided by 1. Ford 9 Ring Pinion Gear Set Motive Performance Motive Gear is a drive train component industry leader when it comes to high quality ring and pinion gears. Ring. Introduction. This article is intended to collect together technical info and practical handson data about the venerable Dana 60 front axle. Introduction Introduction Ring Gear and Pinion Note Ring gear and drive pinion are matched parts and must be replaced in sets. Part number 2 Number of ring. Ring and pinion gears, lockers and axle parts. Rear end and differential parts for 4 wheel, off road or performance vehicles. To find your vehicles RPM enter your Ring and Pinion Gear Ratio, Tire Height and Speed and press Solve. Tire Height can be calculated via our calculator. Many differential cases have many thousands of miles of service. Check all threads. It may be necessary to chase the treads to clean and align. Check side bearing adjusters as they are often warped and out of shape making. Replace as necessary. Check ring gear back face for flatness. Generally after heat treating there may. This may be rectified by lapping gear on sand paper on a glass. This will give you more even and uniform pattern when setting up you. Careful attention should be give to blueprinting your rear end. Accurate clearancing. All new parts should be thoroughly cleaned before assembly and checked for damage. Examine the ring gear mounting surface for nicks or burrs which might prevent. RingPinion tooth depth variations. If. a ring gear spacer is to be used, also check it for surface imperfections. Nicks. or burrs can be removed by using block backed grit paper ora small file. Following. material removal rewash in solvent and air dry. Mounting ring gear. Loctite ring. gear bolts and torque to factory specifications. All Motive Gear and Motive Gear Performance ring gear and pinions have been Lapped. Check to see. serial numbers are the same on the ring gear and pinion. Each motive gear and Motive Gear Performance ring gear and pinion is prerun and. Checking. Distance. This dimension is from the face of the pinion to the axle center line. A setting tool must be used to measure the checking distance. Pinion depth is adjustable. Stay. 0. 02 of the pinion dimension, see. Figure A and B. Once pinion depth is achieved using a new crush collar or preload shim pack set. Once preload is set install the seal and loctite. Once the pinion gear is installed, position ring gear and carrier into housing. Motive Gear and Motive Gear Performance ring gear and pinions. Adjustments for backlash is done by spanner rings in the housing or shim packs. GM or cones Dana. Always be sure carrier bearings. The carrier should not fall out of the housing, but should have to. Replace bearing caps and torque. You are now ready to verify the tooth contact pattern. A gear marking compound. Paint gear teeth with compound in several spots and rotate ring gear. A tooth contact pattern will appear and should be similar to. C. If the pattern is not in the approximate position. Pinion shims usually must. If a pattern is. heavy toe subtract shims, see Figure D If a pattern is heavy heel add shims. Figure E. NOTE Reverse the procedure for 8 and 9 Ford. Fill the case with required amount of GL6 Torco 8. W 1. 40. W with additive gear lube. Proper maintenance is a must to protect. Torque Specifications. Ring Gear Bolts. 38 x 78 RH 5. FT38 x 34 RH 4. FT38 ALL LH 4. FT71. 6 ALL 6. FT12 ALL 1. FTCarrier Cap Bolts.