Configuring Hadoop and HUEHUE uses a configuration file to understand information about your Hadoop cluster and where to connect to. Well need to configure our Hadoop cluster to accept connections from HUE, and add our cluster information to the HUE configuration file. I need some help please, I am trying to install yum update in CentOS 5. I get error Loaded plugins fastestmirror, kmod Loading mirror speeds from cached. Hadoop Configuration. Ambari provides a convenient single point of management for a Hadoop cluster and related services. Well need to reconfigure our HDFS, Hive Web. Hcatalog, and Oozie services to take advantage of HUEs features. HDFSWe need to do three things, 1 ensure Web. HDFS is enabled, 2 add proxy user hosts and groups for HUE, and 3 enable HDFS file access control lists FACLs optional. Hive Web. Hcat and Oozie. Well also need to set up proxy user hosts and groups for HUE in our Hive and Oozie service configurations. Once these cluster configuration updates have been set, save, and restart these services on the respective cluster nodes. Confirm Web. HDFS is running HUE Configuration. The HUE configuration file can be found at usrlocalhuedesktopconfhue. Be sure to make a backup before editing Well need to populate hue. Examples are included below, but will vary with your clusters configuration. In this example, the cluster is small, so our cluster Node. Node also happens to be the Hive Server, Hive Metastore, HBase Master, one of three Zookeepers, etc. Web. HDFS needs to point to our cluster Name. Node Configure the correct values for our YARN cluster Resource Manager, Hive, Oozie, etc To disable HUE apps that arent necessary, or are unsupported, for our cluster, use the Desktop appblacklist property. Here Im disabling the Impala and SentrySecurity tabs note the HDFS FACLs tab is disabled if the Security app is disabled. Start HUE on HDP We start the HUE server using the supervisor command. Use the d switch to start the HUE supervisor in daemon mode. Connect to your new HUE server at its IP addressFQDN and the default port of 8. It works Congratulations, youre running HUE 3. Error Cannot Find A Valid Baseurl For Repo Update© 2017