Img. Burn History Old Downloads Software. This is the version history page for Img. Burn. You can return to the main page for this software by clicking here. Index Version 2. Jun 1. Version 2. Mar 3. Version 2. Oct 5, 2. Version 2. Jan 1. Version 2. Dec 1. Version 2. Dec 7, 2. Version 2. Sep 2, 2. Version 2. Mar 1. Version 2. Jul 2. Version 2. Apr 1. Version 2. Apr 2, 2. Version 2. Jul 2. Version 2. Apr 2, 2. Version 2. Feb 1. Version 2.
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JCB BACKHOE LOADER 3CX World Leader by Design LOADER DIMENSIONS LOADER ATTACHMENTS LOADER DIMENSIONS GP shovel 6in1 shovel m ftin m ftin Overall width with. Apr 1. 2, 2. 00. 7Version 2. Apr 1. 0, 2. 00. 7Version 2. Mar 2. 4, 2. 00. 7Version 2. Feb 1. 5, 2. 00. 7Version 2. Sep 1. 2, 2. 00. 6Version 2. Aug 6, 2. 00. 6Version 1. Apr 1. 4, 2. 00. 6Version 1. Feb 2. 4, 2. 00. 6Version 1. Dec 5, 2. 00. 5Version 2. Release Date Jun 1. Downloads Added Holding the ALT key when clicking on DLE windows Disc pane column header will now remove the sort order so theyre then essentially sorted by addition order. Added Ability to incrementally search the Explorer pane in the Disc Layout Editor window. Added The effective USB connection speed 1. USB devices to the initial device scan log entries. Added Log entry when burning showing the effective layer break position. Added Log entry when burning that shows the number of discs a Lite On drive thinks it has burnt. Added Pioneer drives now list their Kernel Version next to the firmware version. Added The Windows 7 taskbar buttonprogress display now turns red if an IO error box pops up during a readwrite etc. Added The ability to set the Platform ID when building a bootable disc thus enabling the creation of UEFI bootable discs. Added Internal version of the Burner. Max Payload code well, what I could figure out to allow for overburning DVDR DL on many Media. Tek chipset based drives. In practice, this only seems to work on Lite On and clone drives that have Force Hyper. Tuning enabled. Added MSF info to the Sector Viewer tool. Added Allow for larger IO buffer 1. GB. Added Option to pick the transfer size 3. KB 5. 12 KB used when reading writing files. Added Option to enabledisable the OSs buffering when writing image files. Added Ability to make the Explorer pane in the DLE window Read Only. Added Support for Opus audio compression format. Added Support for TAK lossless audio compression format including embedded CUE sheets. Added Ability to use a wildcard for backup list directory entries in an IBB project file applies to Advanced input mode. Added A few keyboard shortcuts to the DLE window. CtrlShiftC New Disc Clear, CtrlShiftD Add Folder Directory, CtrlShiftF Add Files, CtrlShiftN New FolderChanged No longer bundlingoffering the Ask. Open. Candy now handles product offerings during installation. Changed Buffered IO is now enabled by default for readingwriting files. Changed Update the splashscreen logo. Changed The Delete optionbutton in the Disc Layout Editor has been renamed to Remove so it matches the one in Standard input mode and so people arent put off by the term Delete thinking itll actually delete the file on their hard drive. ChangedFixed Detect oversized UDF File Entry descriptors and dont attempt to parse them. ChangedFixed Restore Disc Layout Editor windows focus when the application becomes active. ChangedFixed Workaround for the new 1. LG Blu ray writers that report the wrong a truncated current write speed value in the GET PERFORMANCE response when burning at 1. ChangedFixed Workaround for newer LG drives with the Silent Play feature that seem to ignore attempts to set the read speed via the SET STREAMING command. They get fixed on 1x and wont read any faster ChangedFixed Attempt to block users from trying to write discs their combo drive doesnt support i. DVDRWBD ROM combo drive trying to burn BD R. ChangedFixed Potential errors were being ignoredlost when setting a changeable layer break position to its currentmaximum value. The program now reports them. ChangedFixed Tweaked the browse for folderfile dialog code to hopefully stop the OS from throwing up a There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk into drive X. MRU location is a drive that no longer has a disc in it. ChangedFixed Reworked some commands that could optionally not use Immediate IO. Old code could fall back to Non Immediate IO and loose the initial error message from the Immediate IO version of the command. ChangedFixed Made an adjustment potential bug fix to my dragdrop components code. It may cut down on crashes weird things happening as a result of the user having performed a dd operation. ChangedFixed Shutdown Computer checkboxes should have read Shut Down Computer. ChangedFixed Recently added MID info to was missing from the disc info text in Read Verify modes. Fixed Cosmetic issue displaying numbers when the users thousands separator is set to nothing. Fixed Displaying wrong firmware subversion on newer LG Blu ray drives BH1. Fixed Memory leak when burning Audio CDs that use Direct. Show for decoding. Fixed Memory leak when burning an Audio CDs where the files are already in the correct format for burning no decode required. Fixed Potential access violation when reading a field in a UDF File Set Descriptor. Fixed Old orphaned AWS related registryini file entries were being left behind this was perfectly fine, its just nice to keep the place tidy Fixed DLE Windows Disc Toolbar wasnt being resized for higher DPI systems meaning the buttons werent fully visible. Fixed When outputting Mode. Copy Xp Install Files To Hdd Regenerator. Form. 12. 35. 2 from Build mode, the program didnt take into account any additional data type conversion required for the drive this could produce a corrupt disc. Version 2. 5. 7. 0. Release Date Mar 3. Downloads Added Additional info service name and driver version for hard disk controllers to the Family Tree text. Added Supported Read Speeds to the disc info text in ReadVerify modes. Added New log entry when burning DVD RAMHD DVD RAMBD RE showing the current state of the Hardware Defect Management feature on the drive. When active, the drive would normally take longer to burn a disc due to the automatic verify after write process. Added Option to use the system default language. When an exact match cannot be found i. Languages folder, the program will attempt a partial match. Added Ability to perform Lite. Ons Smart. Erase functions. Added Show MID in the Disc Information section of the text on the right easier to find and always available under the same heading. Added Ability to translate the imagedisc size values on the recently added Overburn Truncate prompt. AddedChanged When reading Q sub channel data fails, the program will attempt to read RAW sub channel data and deinterleave it to get Q instead. AddedChanged Option to include Burn using Img. Burn file association entries in whatevers the default progid of a given file extension previously, this was done by default. Changed When renaming an item in the Disc pane of the DLE window on Vista, the program will now exclude the file extension from the initially selected text.