Taking place two years after its predecessor, the plot revolves around Sam Witwicky, who is caught in the war between two factions of alien robots, the Autobots, led by Optimus Prime and the Decepticons, led by Megatron. Sam is having strange visions of Cybertronian symbols, and being hunted by the Decepticons under the orders of an ancient Decepticon named The Fallen, who seeks to get revenge on Earth by finding and activating a machine that would provide the Decepticons with an energon source, destroying the Sun and all life on Earth in the process. Returning Transformers include Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Ironhide, Ratchet, Megatron, Starscream, and Scorponok. With deadlines jeopardized by possible strikes by the Directors Guild of America and the Screen Actors Guild, Bay managed to finish the production on time with the help of previsualization and a scriptment by his writers Roberto Orci, Alex Kurtzman, and series newcomer Ehren Kruger. Shooting took place from May to November 2. Egypt, Jordan, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and California, as well as air bases in New Mexico and Arizona. This was the last film in the series to star Megan Fox, and was also the last film in the series to be co produced by Dream. Works Pictures, leaving Paramount Pictures to become the distributor of its future films. Revenge of the Fallen premiered on June 8, 2. Tokyo and was released on June 2. United States. Metacritic said the film received generally unfavorable reviews 3 criticism was directed at its bland story, melodramatic acting, romantic scenes, crude humor, overall length, repetitive and poorly shot action sequences, abrupt ending, Optimus Primes drastically decreased screen time compared to the previous film, and the characters of Skids and Mudflap for being offensive black stereotypes. However, critics praised the visual effects, music, and the voice performances of Hugo Weaving, Charlie Adler and Tony Todd. Transformers Fall Of Cybertron No Dvd Cracks' title='Transformers Fall Of Cybertron No Dvd Cracks' />The film won three Golden Raspberry Awards at the 3. Golden Raspberry Awards ceremony and became the highest grossing film to win the Worst Picture award. Card Recovery Pro Download Crack Windows. The film grossed a total of 4. US and Canada and 4. It was the second highest grossing film of 2. US and Canada, 2. With over 1. 1 million home media sales in 2. United States. It was followed by Dark of the Moon in 2. Age of Extinction in 2. The Last Knight in 2. In 1. 7,0. 00 B. C., the Seven Primes travel across the galaxy to create Energon with star absorbing machines named Sun Harvesters. One of them, later known as The Fallen, defies their sole rule to never destroy planets hosting life by establishing a Sun Harvester on Earth. He is confronted by the other Primes, who imprison him before he can harvest the planets Sun using the Matrix of Leadership. The Primes then sacrifice themselves to hide the Matrix in an unknown location. The Go Mad from the Revelation trope as used in popular culture. In many stories, there are some experiences that are so horribly mindshattering that the. In the present day, two years after Megatrons defeat, the Autobots and the U. S. military have formed the Non Biological Extraterrestrial Species Treaty NEST, a classified international task force, to eliminate the surviving Decepticons. In Shanghai, the Autobots intercept two Decepticons, Demolisher and Sideways. Sideways is killed by the Autobot Sideswipe, while Optimus Prime kills Demolisher, but not before he warns them of the Fallens return. At NESTs secure headquarters in Diego Garcia, National Security Adviser Theodore Galloway concludes the Decepticons are still on Earth to hunt the Autobots, since Megatrons corpse is at the bottom of the Laurentian Abyss and the last known All. Spark shard is secured in the base. Soundwave hacks into a military satellite, overhears the information, and sends Ravage to retrieve the shard. Meanwhile, Sam Witwicky is preparing to attend college, leaving his girlfriend Mikaela Banes and guardian Bumblebee behind. He finds a smaller All. Spark shard and picks it up, causing him to start seeing Cybertronian symbols. The shard also turns many of the kitchen appliances into Transformers called Appliancebots, who attack Sam before Bumblebee saves him and kills the Appliancebots. Sam gives the shard to Mikaela, who later captures the Decepticon Wheelie when he attempts to steal it. The Constructicons resurrect Megatron using the stolen shard and parts torn off from one of their own allies. Megatron then travels to one of Saturns moons, where he reunites with his master, the Fallen, who orders him to capture Sam alive and kill Optimus, the only Transformer who can defeat the Fallen. Sam, Mikaela, and his college roommate Leo are attacked by Alice, a Decepticon Pretender posing as a college student. After killing her, they are captured by Megatron, Starscream, and the Decepticon Grindor. After Megatron reveals the symbols in Sams mind will lead the Decepticons to a new Energon source, Optimus and Bumblebee arrive and rescue the humans Optimus fights Megatron, Starscream, and Grindor alone. After killing Grindor, Optimus is killed by Megatron. The other Autobots arrive and repel Megatron and Starscream before they could recapture Sam. As Sam goes into hiding with Mikaela, Leo, Bumblebee, Wheelie, and the Autobot twins Skids and Mudflap, the Decepticons launch devastating simultaneous attacks around the world, destroying ships in the Second Fleet and damaging Paris. The Fallen hijacks Earths telecommunications systems, demanding that Sam be handed to him. Transformers Fall Of Cybertron No Dvd Cracks' title='Transformers Fall Of Cybertron No Dvd Cracks' />Sam, Mikaela, and Leo enlist the help of former Sector 7 agent, Seymour Simmons, who reveals that the Transformers visited Earth eons ago and the most ancient, known as Seekers, are in secret. With help from Wheelie, they track down a Decepticon Seeker named Jetfire at the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum. They use their shard to revive Jetfire, who teleports the group to Egypt and explains the story of the Fallen. Jetfire and Wheelie turn against the Decepticons, and order them to locate the Matrix, which could revive Optimus. Sams group finds the Matrix in Petra, but it disintegrates into dust in Sams hands. Undeterred, Sam stuffs the Matrixs remains into his sock. Meanwhile, NEST forces and the Autobots land near the Giza pyramid complex but are attacked by a large force of Decepticons. During the battle, many Constructicons combine to form Devastator, who destroys one of the pyramids, revealing the Sun Harvester inside, before he is killed by a battleships railgun called in by Simmons. Ravage and the Decepticon Rampage attempt to spring a trap with Sams captured parents as bait, in order to force Sam to give them the Matrix, but Bumblebee interferes and kills them both. Major William Lennox and Master Sergeant Robert Epps call in an airstrike, which kills a majority of the Decepticon ground forces. However, Megatron manages to shoot Sam, seemingly killing him, before retreating upon getting attacked. Nearing his death, the Primes contact Sam through a vision, telling him the Matrix is earned, not found, and that he earned the right to bear it. They restore Sams life and the Matrix, which he uses to revive Optimus. The Fallen teleports to their location and steals the Matrix from Optimus, then returns to the pyramid with Megatron and activates the Sun Harvester.