Help for all Office apps. Set up your Office 365 subscription. Find howto articles and video tutorials. Contact our Answer Techs for assisted support. Assuming you did this Start Outlook. On the File menu, click Options. In the navigation pane, click AddIns. On the Manage menu, select COM AddIns, and. Connect with SharePoint, Outlook, and OneNote with Microsoft Teams. Add and work with connectors, tabs, notes, and documents in Microsoft Teams. Outlook Customer Manager provides an easy way for small businesses to track and grow customer relationships from right within Outlook. The Microsoft Legacy Operating System topic includes legacy versions of Microsoft operating systems prior to Windows 2000 All versions of MSDOS and other versions. Ultimate Email Productivity. Send messages at the perfect time, get a reminder if your email doesnt receive a response, and add a smart calendar assistant that lets. Many sales professionals spend a large part of their day working in Dynamics 365, Microsoft Outlook, and Microsoft Exchange. And the more you use them, the more these. Microsoft Live Meeting Outlook Add Ins' title='Microsoft Live Meeting Outlook Add Ins' />This documentation covers the API for meeting rooms, multiple event locations, calendar sharing, and forwarding and cancelling events which are in preview. Windows, Office, Xbox More. For printers, cameras, network cards, and more. Microsoft Outlook is a personal information manager from Microsoft, available as a part of the Microsoft Office suite. Although often used mainly as an email. Outlook 2. 01. 6 For Dummies Cheat Sheet. From Outlook 2. 01. For Dummies. By Bill Dyszel Sending email has never been easier than it is in Outlook 2. Youll notice the familiar Ribbon interface, and youll still find all the Outlook features youve come to love plus some new ones. Use this handy Cheat Sheet to orient yourself with Outlooks new look and feel. Theres also a helpful table of Outlook shortcut keys. Microsoft Office Specialist 2007 Exams 4. Outlook 2. 01. 6s Mail Home Tab. The Mail Home tab on Outlook 2. Ribbon contains all the tools you need for daily email tasks as well as for managing the messages you accumulate and retain for reference. The following image shows you what each of Outlook 2. Mail Home tab buttons can help you do. Outlook 2. 01. 6s Calendar Home Tab. The Calendar Home tab on the Outlook 2. Ribbon lets you choose how you prefer to view your appointments. You can choose among views for a day, a workweek, a week, or a month, as shown in the following image. You can also choose a schedule view for seeing several schedules at once. Outlook 2. 01. 6s Contacts Home Tab. Outlook 2. 01. 6s Contacts is more than just a list of names and email addresses. You can take advantage of the Contacts Home tab on the Outlook 2. Ribbon to create new contacts, to arrange the way you view the contacts you have, or to create email messages or mail merge documents. The following image shows the popular Business Card view. Outlook 2. 01. 6s Tasks Home Tab. More than an email program, Outlook 2. On the Tasks Home tab on the Outlook 2. Ribbon, youll see tools for managing your workload more quickly and effectively, as shown in the following image. You can choose from a variety of views that can help you keep track of pressing priorities. Outlook 2. 01. 6 Shortcuts. You can accomplish tasks a lot faster when you use Outlook, and you can be even faster if you use Outlooks shortcut keys. The following tables offer several handy shortcuts to help you work more quickly and more efficiently with Outlook 2. Outlook 2. 01. 6 Shortcuts. This Shortcut. Creates One of These. CtrlShiftAAppointment. CtrlShiftCContact. CtrlShiftLDistribution list. CtrlShiftEFolder. CtrlShiftMEmail message. CtrlShiftNNote. CtrlShiftKTask. CtrlShiftQMeeting request. This Shortcut. Switches To. Ctrl1. Mail. Ctrl2. Calendar. Ctrl3. Contacts. Ctrl4. Tasks. Ctrl5. Notes. Ctrl6. Folder List. Ctrl7. Shortcuts. Ctrl8. Journal. This Shortcut. Helps You Do This. CtrlS or ShiftF1. Save. AltSSave and close Send. F1. 2Save As. CtrlZUndo. CtrlDDelete. CtrlPPrint. F7. Check spelling. CtrlShiftVMove to folder. Ins. Mark complete.