Put the fun back into computing. Use Linux, BSD. Search Distributions. Important Note. Please note that we have put together a series of common search results for people looking for distributions that are beginner friendly, offer UEFI support, Secure Boot support, do not use systemd or that have a Raspberry Pi edition. Clicking any of the above links will take you immediately to the appropriate search results. If you are looking for an article, tutorial or feature, please use our. XZxOm.png' alt='Install Bittorrent On Ubuntu Server Software' title='Install Bittorrent On Ubuntu Server Software' />Hi, I bought the Chuwi LapBook 14. I could install Ubuntu on it like you did. I got excited when I saw your post, since it seemed fairly simple, but to my. Private. None of your data is ever stored anywhere else other than on your computers. There is no central server that might be compromised, legally or illegally. Find the latest howto news from WIRED. See related science and technology articles, photos, slideshows and videos. Article Search page. Package search. Search the Distro. Watch database for distributions using a particular package. If you are looking for a distribution with the latest kernel, select linux from the drop down box below and type the version number into the text box next to it. Please note that the best way to obtain the GNOME version is by searching for nautilus, while KDE Plasma is represented by the plasma desktop package. Apache 2. x is listed as httpd. As for versioning, if no version number is provided, this page will return any recent versions of the selected package. It is also possible to perform searches for distributions which do not contain a specific package. This returns a list of distributions where the given package is not present on the installation media. The package version search offers the ability to search for packages which are close. The second field in the search form allows visitors to switch between. Most people will probably want to use the like option as it will. When no version is specified, like. Have fun and let us know how we can improve the search engine Search by Distribution Criteria Simple Search FormThis section allows you to search for a particular distribution based on certain criteria. Select the criteria from the drop down and check boxes below and hit the Submit Query button to get a list of known distributions that match your choice. Country of origin All. Algeria. Argentina. Australia. Austria. Belgium. Bhutan. Bosnia and Herzegovina. Brazil. Bulgaria. Cambodia. Canada. Chile. China. Cuba. Czech Republic. Denmark. Ecuador. Egypt. Finland. France. Germany. Greece. Guatemala. Hong Kong. Hungary. India. Indonesia. Iran. Ireland. Isle of Man. Israel. Italy. Japan. Jordan. Latvia. Lithuania. Malaysia. Malta. Mexico. Mongolia. Nepal. Netherlands. New Zealand. Nigeria. Norway. Oman. Peru. Philippines. Poland. Portugal. Puerto Rico. Runion. Romania. Russia. Serbia. Singapore. Slovakia. Slovenia. South Africa. South Korea. Spain. Sri Lanka. Sweden. Switzerland. Taiwan. Thailand. Turkey. Ukraine. United Arab Emirates. United Kingdom. USAVenezuela. Vietnam. Based on All. Android. Arch. Cent. OSCRUXDebian. Debian StableDebian TestingDebian UnstableFedora. Free. BSDGentoo. Independent. KDE neon. KNOPPIXLFSMageia. Mandriva. Manjaro. Open. BSDopen. SUSEPCLinux. OSPuppy. Red Hatr. Pathsidux. Slackware. Sli. Taz. Solaris. Ubuntu. Ubuntu LTSTiny Core. Zenwalk. Not based on None. Arch. Cent. OSDebian. Fedora. Free. BSDGentoo. Independent. KDE neon. KNOPPIXLFSMageia. Mandriva. Manjaro. Mint. Open. BSDopen. SUSEPCLinux. OSPuppy. Red Hatr. Pathsidux. Slackware. Sli. Taz. Solaris. Ubuntu. Tiny Core. Zenwalk. Desktop interface All. No desktop. After. Step. Android. Awesome. Blackboxbspwm. Budgie. Cinnamon. Consort. Deepindwm. Enlightenment. Equinox. Firefox. Fluxboxflwm. FVWMGNOMEHackedboxi. Ice. WMion. JWMKDEKDE Plasma. Kodi XBMCLesstif. Lumina. LXDELXQt. MATEMaynard. Metacity. Mezzo. Moblin. Openbox. Pantheon. Pearlpekwm. Ratpoison. Razor qt. SLWMSugar. Trinity. TWMUnity. Web. UIWMaker. WMFSWMIXfce. Architecture Allacorn. Package management All. NoneUnknown. DEBFlatpak. NixGuix. RPMPacman. PETPortage. Snap. TGZTXZRelease model All. Fixed. Semi Rolling. Rolling. Install media size All. Under 1. 00. MBUnder 2. MBUnder 7. 00. MBUnder 2. MBOver 2. 00. 0MBInstall method All. Local. Net Install. Multi language support All. YesOther. Noararabicaragoneseaz. Bengalibgbnbycacatalancncsczdadedk. Dzongkhaeeeneseteufa. Farsififofrgalicianglgr. Gujarati. Hausahehi. Hindihkhrhuid. Igboilinis. ISOitjajpkokrltlv. Malayalammlmnmrmsnb. Nepalinlnnnophplpoptptbr. Punjabirorsrusesisksv. Tamilte. Teluguthtrtwuaukvalencianvn. YorubayuzhzhCNzhTWInit software All. Open. RCRCrunitsystemd. Sys. VUpstart. Not systemd. Other. Status defined All. Active. Dormant. Discontinued. The following distributions match your criteria sorted by popularity 1. Linux Mint 1Linux Mint is an Ubuntu based distribution whose goal is to provide a more complete out of the box experience by including browser plugins, support for DVD playback, Java and other components. It also adds a custom desktop and menus, several unique configuration tools, and a web based package installation interface. Linux Mint is compatible with Ubuntu software repositories. Ubuntu 4Ubuntu is a complete desktop Linux operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. The Ubuntu community is built on the ideas enshrined in the Ubuntu Manifesto that software should be available free of charge, that software tools should be usable by people in their local language and despite any disabilities, and that people should have the freedom to customise and alter their software in whatever way they see fit. Ubuntu is an ancient African word, meaning humanity to others. The Ubuntu distribution brings the spirit of Ubuntu to the software world. OS 9elementary OS is an Ubuntu based desktop distribution. Some of its more interesting features include a custom desktop environment called Pantheon and many custom apps including Photos, Music, Videos, Calendar, Terminal, Files, and more. It also comes with some familiar apps like the Epiphany web browser and a fork of Geary mail. Zorin OS 1. 1Zorin OS is an Ubuntu based Linux distribution designed especially for newcomers to Linux. It has a Windows like graphical user interface and many programs similar to those found in Windows. Zorin OS also comes with an application that lets users run many Windows programs. The distributions ultimate goal is to provide a Linux alternative to Windows and let Windows users enjoy all the features of Linux without complications. Deepin, Linux Deepin, Hiweed GNULinux is a Debian based distribution it was Ubuntu based until version 1. It does not only include the best the open source world has to offer, but it has also created its own desktop environment called DDE or Deepin Desktop Environment which is based on the Qt 5 toolkit. Deepin focuses much of its attention on intuitive design. Its home grown applications, like Deepin Software Centre, DMusic and DPlayer are tailored to the average user. Being easy to install and use, deepin can be a good Windows alternative for office and home use. Kali Linux 1. 6Kali Linux formerly known as Back. Track is a Debian based distribution with a collection of security and forensics tools. It features timely security updates, support for the ARM architecture, a choice of four popular desktop environments, and seamless upgrades to newer versions. X 1. 7anti. X is a fast, lightweight and easy to install Linux live CD distribution based on Debians Stable branch for x. X offers users the anti. X Magic in an environment suitable for old computers. The goal of anti. X is to provide a light, but fully functional and flexible free operating system for both newcomers and experienced users of Linux. It should run on most computers, ranging from 2. MB old PIII systems with pre configured swap to the latest powerful boxes. MB RAM is recommended minimum for anti. The Best Alternatives to u. Torrent on Windows. Remember when u. Torrent was greatThe upstart Bit. Torrent client was super lightweight and trounced other popular Bit. Torrent clients. But that was long ago, before Bit. Torrent, Inc. bought u. Torrent and crammed it full of crapware and scammy advertisements. Screw that. Whether you need to download a Linux ISO orwell, do whatever else you do with Bit. Torrent, you dont have to put up with what u. Torrents become. Use a better Bit. Torrent client instead. Bittorrent an Open Source, Junk Free u. Torrent. We recommend q. Bittorrent. It aims to be a free software alternative to u. Torrent, so its the closest thing to a junkware free version of u. Torrent youll find. Bit. Torrent strives to offer the features most users will want while using as little CPU and memory as possible. The developers are taking a middle pathnot cramming every possible feature in, but also avoiding the minimal design of applications like Transmission. Gnu Make 3 81 Cygwin Install Windows. The application includes an integrated torrent search engine, Bit. Torrent extensions like DHT and peer exchange, a web interface for remote control, priority and scheduling features, RSS downloading support, IP filtering, and many more features. Its available for Windows as well as Linux, mac. OS, Free. BSDeven Haiku and OS2 Deluge a Plug In Based Client You Can Customize. Deluge is another open source, cross platform Bit. Torrent client. Overall, Deluge and q. Bittorrent are fairly similar and have many of the same features. But, while q. Bittorrent generally follows u. Torrent, Deluge has a few of its own ideas. Instead of being a feature filled client, like q. Bittorrent, Deluge relies on a plug in system to get you the advanced features you want. It starts off as a more minimal client, and you have to add the features you want through the plug inslike RSS support, for example. Deluge is built with a client server architecturethe Deluge client can run as a daemon or service in the background, while the Deluge user interface can connect to that background service. This means you could run Deluge on a remote systemperhaps a headless serverand control it via Deluge on your desktop. But Deluge will function like a normal desktop application by default. Transmission a Minimal Client Overcome by Security Issues. Transmission isnt as popular on Windows, mostly known as a client for mac. OS and Linux. In fact, its installed by default on Ubuntu, Fedora, and other Linux distributions. The official version doesnt support Windows, but the Transmission Qt Win project is an unofficial Windows build of Transmission Qt with various tweaks, additions, and modifications to work better on Windows. Warning Since the original writing of this article, Transmission has had some serious security problems. In March 2. 01. 6, Transmissions servers were compromised and the official Mac version of Transmission contained ransomware. The project cleaned things up. In August 2. 01. 6, Transmissions servers were again compromised and the official Mac version of Transmission contained a different type of malware. Thats two major compromises in five months, which is practically unheard of. It suggests theres something seriously wrong with the Transmisison projects security. We recommend staying away from Transmission entirely until the project cleans up its act. Transmission uses its own lib. Transmission backend. Like Deluge, Transmission can run as a daemon on another system. You could then use the Transmission interface on your desktop to manage the Transmission servicerunning on another computer. Transmission has a different interface that wont be immediately familiar to u. Torrent users. Instead, its designed to be as simple and minimal as possible. It dispenses with a lot of the knobs and toggles in the typical Bit. Torrent client interface for something more basic. Its still more powerful than it first appearsyou can double click a torrent to view more information, choose the files you want to download, and adjust other options. Torrent 2. 2. 1 a Junk Free Version of u. Torrent Thats Old and Out of Date. Some people prefer sticking with an older, pre junk version of u. Torrent. u. Torrent 2. But were not crazy about this idea. Sure, you get to keep using u. Torrent and you wont have to worry about updates trying to install garbage software onto your system, activating obnoxious ads, and pushing Bit. Coin miners on your PC. But u. Torrent 2. This software is over five years old and may contain security exploits that will never be fixed. It will also never be updated to contain new Bit. Torrent features that could speed up your downloads. So why waste your time when you could use the similar and much more up to date q. Bittorrent It may have made sense to stick with u. Torrent 2. 2. 1 years ago, but modern alternatives have improved dramatically. Sure, there are many more Bit. Torrent clients for Windows, but these are our favorite ones that wont try to install junkware on your system. With the exception of the old versions of u. Torrent, theyre all open source applications. Thanks to community driven development, theyve resisted the temptation to overload their Bit. Torrent clients with junkware to make a quick buck. Install Bittorrent On Ubuntu Server Software© 2017