Chrome and IE should auto install the latest Flash version on browser restart users may need to manually check for updates in andor restart the browser to get the latest Flash version. A green arrow in the upper right corner of my Chrome installation today gave me the prompt I needed to update my version to the latest. Chrome users may need to restart the browser to install or automatically download the latest version. When in doubt, click the vertical three dot icon to the right of the URL bar, select Help, then About Chrome If there is an update available, Chrome should install it then. As always, if you experience any issues downloading or installing any of these updates, please leave a note about it in the comments below. Tags. NET Framework, adobe flash player, Edge, Exchange, Flash Player update July 2. Microsoft Patch Tuesday July 2. Office, Qualys, SMB, Windows Search Service. This entry was posted on Tuesday, July 1. Other. You can follow any comments to this entry through the RSS 2. Both comments and pings are currently closed.