I Love You Through And Through Necklace Stand' title='I Love You Through And Through Necklace Stand' />How to Restring a Necklace with Pictures1. Work on a non rolling surface. If you have a bead tray, great if you dont, work on a towel, large piece of felt, or even foam. Keeping the order of beads is pretty important, and you dont want them rolling all over the place. Get your materials together. Heres everything youll need. Your beads. Clasp. A beading needle a fine needle with a large eyeThread, either silk or synthetic. A match or lighter for burning off loose ends of synthetic threadSuper glue and toothpick if using silk threadScissors or clippers. Thread your needle. This isnt your normal thread the needle step. Youre actually threading it to thread it. Itll all be clear in a second. Heres how its done. Take about 1. 0 2. Take one of the fine strands and thread that through the needle. Tie a knot so the strand makes a loop that goes through the eye of the needle this loop holds the thread that will be the string of your necklace. It enlarges the eye of the needle, making it much easierCut off a strand of thread about 3x the length of your desired necklace. Double it over and put the loose ends through the loop youve already made. Dont knot this string just leave it be. Make sure its pulled far enough to avoid the string slipping out, however. Now your needle is officially, albeit strangely, threaded. Attach the clasp. Take the clasp from your original necklace or a new one and loop the thread through it. To do this, just put the needle through the ring on the clasp and then back through the end loop in the thread. You may want to tie a knot close to the clasp at this point. I made this necklace today for my mother on mothers day I was in formed about your necklace design through http and here is a picture. Did you know that chainmail was the earliest form of metal armor and was invented as early as 300BC by the ancient Celts Used as protective armor for centuries by. I/61j9Z%2BCyIQL._UY662_.jpg' alt='I Love You Through And Through Necklace Holder' title='I Love You Through And Through Necklace Holder' />Free love music lyrics and soundtracks hundreds of beautiful romantic music lyrics Song Titles I R with the greatest love songs of all time free love music. Sterling Silver Necklace Jewerly Gift for Her I Love You Heart Wife Pendant 1d. I/61I0cst3Z-L._UY395_.jpg' alt='I Love You Through And Through Necklace Length' title='I Love You Through And Through Necklace Length' />It will keep the loop from slipping up onto the ring incorrectly. Start stringing on your beads. Simply thread the beads onto the string with the needle, pushing the beads to the edge of the clasp. How To Download Kingroot In Firmware Downloads. Go slowly so you get the pattern correct you dont want all the beads on only to realize that you messed it up once halfway through. Once all the beads are on, remove the needle. Tie a double knot at the end where there are two loose ends on your string opposite the clasp. I Love You Through And Through Necklace With NameThen, push the beads to this newly knotted end. Tie a knot after each bead. Take one bead and then slide it over to the clasp. I Love You Through And Through Necklace TreeOn the side of the bead opposite the clasp, tie a tiny knot to keep it in place. Itll be helpful if you hold the loop down on the bead and then tighten. Keep this tension as you pull the knot shut. After each knot, separate the threads and pull them apart to move the knot closer to the pearl. You dont want the knot to be visible. You could also put a needle through the knot and use it to guide the knot against the pearls. Keep on knotting between each bead. Grab the next bead and bring it next to the knot you just made. Tie another knot, keeping a finger over it as its being pulled to keep it snug. Keep doing this until all your beads have been moved over and knotted to the side with the clasp. This is a skill and you will get better with practice. It may take a few necklaces to get it right. They will get tighter as you go. Cut off the extra thread on the other side to finish off. After youve knotted each bead, cut off the end thread knot you made a while ago. Then, put those ends through the other side of the same clasp. Pull the thread tightly up the last knotted pearl and tie a good, sturdy double knot. Seal it with either super glue or a small, brief flame. If youre using silk thread, you can apply a tiny dot of super glue onto the end with a toothpick. Then, cut the thread close to the knot after the glue is dry. If youre using synthetic thread, cut within 14. Note be careful. Its possible you could melt your necklace. Be very, very, very brief with this.