In Notepad, create the following URL the blue portion us taken from the step 1 URL, and the red portion must be added. CmdDisplay ListGUID XMLDATATRUE noredirecttrue. This will return an xml file that can be used in an XML file data connection, as if it came from a file system. After this, you can use the URL as the location of an XML data file when creating a data connection. Two caveats Form users must have read access to the Share. Point list. During creation of the data connection, do not include the file in the form template, as it should be dynamically generated from the Share. Point list. Some tricks 1. When youre in Modify settings and columns, if you click on one of the views in the list at the bottom, you should note that the URL is enriched with ViewANOTHERGUID. If you would prefer to use the columns from that view, you should similarly enhance the URL you use above. You can also use the url to filter data rows based on column values. If you have access to a server that is running InfoPath Forms Services, such as Microsoft Office Forms Server 2007 or Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, you can. For example http contosositessalesvtibinowssvr. CmdDisplay List1. BC7. B7 0. A8. 2 4. E 9. 32. 7 F3. C7. E6. D3. 7F3 XMLDATATRUE noredirecttrue Filter. Field. 1xdx. 00. AE1. EF8x. 00. 2d2. E7x. CE4x. AE2. 3x. 00. E2. 3E8. 0DDB5x. Filter. Value. 1Approved. Note be sure to remove the ows from the beginning of the Filter. Field ID. With this filter, the XML file returned will be filtered to only display those projects that have been approved. Without the green portion, you would see all the projects. In order to populate other fields with data from WSS, you create the secondary data source just like above, then in form code or script, you can use Get. DOMdata. Source and walk the DOM normally, updating the main DOM as appropriate. Ed Essey Program Manager. YwCCKvWhrc/hqdefault.jpg' alt='How To Install Infopath Forms Services On Sharepoint 2007 Image' title='How To Install Infopath Forms Services On Sharepoint 2007 Image' />Install Infopath 2013 On A Terminal Server hdr nikon d3200 activare windows 7 ultimate adobe acrobat pro dc vs bluebeam.