Supervision de VMware ESXi avec Nagios Be Root crit par Yoann. Pour superviser le serveur VMware ESXi, nous allons utiliser le plugin Nagios checkesx. OP5. En pr requis son utilisation, il est ncessaire dinstaller VMware v. Sphere SDK for PERL et le module PERL Nagios Plugin sur le serveur de supervision. Nous installerons VMware v. Sphere SDK for PERL dans le rpertoire optvmware vsphere perl sdk. Depuis le serveur de supervision, crez le rpertoire suivant mkdir optvmware vsphere perl sdkDepuis le site de VMware vous devez tlcharger VMware v. Sphere SDK for Perl. Le tlchargement de ce composant ncessite un compte VMware. Installez la bibliothque de dveloppement dOpen. SSL yum install openssl devel Placez vous dans le rpertoire suivant cd usrlocalsrc Dcompressez larchive tar xzvf VMware v. Sphere Perl SDK 4. Placez vous dans le rpertoire suivant cd vmware vsphere cli distrib Lancez linstallation de VMware v. Sphere SDK for Perl. Avant de procder linstallation, vous devez accepter la licence dutilisation. Fb4yWcdyx1w/U22zql5gIWI/AAAAAAAABio/t2m6mdRSwTc/s1600/5e.png' alt='How To Install Glpi On Centos Server With Gui' title='How To Install Glpi On Centos Server With Gui' />Indiquez lemplacement des fichiers excutables optvmware vsphere perl sdkbin. Pour dsinstaller VMware v. Sphere SDK for Perl, il vous suffira de lancer la commande suivante optvmware vsphere perl sdkbinvmware uninstall v. Sphere CLI. pl. Nous allons installer le module PERL Nagios Plugin. MCPAN e shellcpan install Nagios Plugincpan quit. Ensuite, nous allons rcuprer le plugin Nagios checkesx. OP5. Placez vous dans le rpertoire suivant cd usrlocalsrc Tlchargez le plugin Nagios wget http git. O checkesx. 3. pl Copiez ce script dans le rpertoire contenant les plugins Nagios cp checkesx. Rendez le script excutable chmod x usrlocalnagioslibexeccheckesx. Modifiez le propritaire pour ce script chown nagios nagios usrlocalnagioslibexeccheckesx. Le plugin Nagios checkesx. Formateur et formations Linux Red Hat, CentOS, Fedora, Ubuntu Server, Debian, SUSE, openSUSE, Bash, PowerShell, IPv6, Scurit informatique, GLPI, FusionInventory. Bonjour, Sincrement je tire mon Chapeau, super bien expliqu. Merci davoir pris du temps pour les gens like me, tu dchires D Encore un grand merci. VMware ESXi en sy connectant laide dun compte utilisateur. Nous allons crer un compte utilisateur supervision possdant les droits de lecture. Connectez vous au serveur VMware ESXi avec le client VMware v. Sphere. Dans longlet Local Users Groups, cliquez sur loption Add du menu surgissant pour crer un nouvel utilisateur supervision avec un mot de passe associ. Dans longlet Permissions, cliquez sur loption Add Permission. Dans la partie Users and Groups, cliquez sur le bouton Add pour ajouter lutilisation supervision. Dans la partie Assigned Role, slectionnez le rle Read only pour cet utilisateur. Linstallation est termine. Voici quelques exemple dutilisation du plugin Nagios checkesx. Placez vous dans le rpertoire suivant cd usrlocalnagioslibexec Vrifiez lutilisation du CPU de lhyperviseur en pourcentage. H xxx. xxx. xxx. xxx u supervision p Mot. De. Passe l cpu s usage w 8. CHECKESX3. PL OK cpu usage1. How To Install Vnc Server In Aix La. Vrifiez lutilisation de la mmoire vive de lhyperviseur en Mo. H xxx. xxx. xxx. xxx u supervision p Mot. De. Passe l mem s usagemb w 1. CHECKESX3. PL OK mem usage6. MB memusagemb6. MB 1. Vrifiez ltat de lhyperviseur. H xxx. xxx. xxx. xxx u supervision p Mot. De. Passe l runtime s status. CHECKESX3. PL OK overall statusgreen Vrifiez que toutes les cartes rseaux de lhyperviseur sont connectes. H xxx. xxx. xxx. xxx u supervision p Mot. De. Passe l net s nic. CHECKESX3. PL OK All 8 NICs are connected OKNICs8 BadNICs0 Pour obtenir de laide sur ce plugin Nagios, il vous suffit de lancer la commande suivante. Cette partie dpend de votre arborescence de configuration et de votre installation de Nagios. Nous allons modifier la configuration de Nagios pour superviser un serveur VMware ESXi. Ajoutez deux nouvelles variables vi etcnagiosresource. USER2supervision. USER3Mot. De. Passe. Les variables USER2 et USER3 correspondent aux identifiants de lutilisateur possdant les droits de lecture sur le serveur VMware ESXi. Ajoutez les dfinitions des objets command vi etcnagiosobjectscommands. USER1checkesx. H HOSTADDRESS u USER2 p USER3 l cpu s usage w ARG1 c ARG2. USER1checkesx. H HOSTADDRESS u USER2 p USER3 l mem s usagemb w ARG1 c ARG2. USER1checkesx. H HOSTADDRESS u USER2 p USER3 l mem s swap w ARG1 c ARG2. USER1checkesx. H HOSTADDRESS u USER2 p USER3 l net s usage w ARG1 c ARG2. USER1checkesx. H HOSTADDRESS u USER2 p USER3 l io s read w ARG1 c ARG2. USER1checkesx. H HOSTADDRESS u USER2 p USER3 l io s write w ARG1 c ARG2. USER1checkesx. H HOSTADDRESS u USER2 p USER3 l net s nic. USER1checkesx. H HOSTADDRESS u USER2 p USER3 l service s ARG1. Ajoutez la dfinition de lobjet host pour le serveur vi etcnagiosobjectshosts. VMware ESXi. address xxx. Ajoutez la dfinition des objets service pour le serveur vi etcnagiosobjectsservices. CPU. checkcommand checkesxcpuMemoire. TraficReseau. checkcommand checkesxnetwork DisqueIOLecture. DisqueIOEcriture. InterfacesReseaux. Services. checkcommand checkesxservice DCUI,lbtd,ntpd,vmware vpxa. Rechargez la configuration de Nagios service nagios reload. Votre serveur VMWare ESXi est maintenant supervis depuis Nagios. How to Install VMware Workstation 1. Linux Systems. This tutorial will show you how to install VMware Workstation 1. RHELCent. OS 7, Fedora 2. Debian 7 9, Ubuntu 1. Linux Mint 1. 7 1. VMware Workstation 1. Type II of hypervisors Hosted Hypervisors. This tutorial also discuss some common issues during the installation process. Install Vmware Workstation in Linux. What is new in Workstation 1. May be the main target for releasing the 1. OS releasesdistributions like RHEL7, Cent. OS 7, Windows 1. 0,., etc and the upgrades in hardware like Intel Haswell microarchitecture support and improvements for high DPI displays. Unfortunately, there is no change in Virtual Machine resources limitations from 1. Max. Virtual CPUs, Max. Virtual disks and Max. Virtual network. Finally we have another two awesome features, first one is the integration between VMware Workstion 1. VMware v. Cloud Air which give the ability to scale your virtual machine in the sky External Cloud. Second one which should be useful one, the ability of creating desktop shortcuts for virtual machines which take productivity and usability to the next Level. There is also some another few features which you will discover by practice and make hands on labs. Prerequisites. Make sure that your system is 6. VMware Doesnt provide 3. Unfortunately, the 1. BUT VMware didnt talk about specific reasons. Make sure you have a license key to active the product OR you will work in the evaluation mode the same features but with ONLY 3. YOU MUST enter a license key to active the product. Before you begin this guide, you will need the root account OR non root user with sudo privileges configured on your system Physical host. Make sure your system and its kernel is up to date. Step 1 Downloading VMWare Workstation 1. First login into your server as root or non root user with sudo permissions and run the following command to keep your system up to date. On Red. Hat Systems. On Debian Systems. Next, download the software from VMware official site. You will download script file like VMware Workstation Full 1. After downloading script file, go to the directory which contains the script file and make sure that script file is exist and have default permissions. Aug 1. 0 1. 5 1. VMware Workstation Full 1. Give permission execute for all for security reasons you may need to give the permission for the owner user only NOT for all. VMware Workstation Full 1. After setting permission, make sure to check the permissions again. Aug 1. 0 1. 5 4. VMware Workstation Full 1. Step 2 Installing VMWare Workstation 1. The installation process follows a straight forward steps, just issue following command to run the script file. Downloads. VMware Workstation Full 1. Once the script is running, you see the following window the screen. Install VMWare Workstation 1. Just follow the one screen instructions until Installation was successful message appears. VMWare Workstation 1. Step 3 Running VMWare Workstation 1. To start the software for fist time you will find some issues as discussed below with fixes. To start the software type vmware in the terminal. Downloads vmware. After running above command, you will see this message which notify you to install gcc compiler and some components. Just press Cancel to continue. VMWare Kernel Module Updater. Return to the terminal, then lets install Development tools. Downloads yum groupinstall Development toolsOn Red. Hat Systems. email protected apt get install build essentialOn Debian Systems. When it finished, lets try to start the software again. Downloads vmware. This time another issue will be appear, its talk about kernel headers, select cancel and lets check if it installed or not. VMWare Kernel Headers Missingemail protected Downloads rpm qa grep kernel headers On Red. Hat systems. email protected dpkg l grep linux headers On Debian systems. If nothing appears install it using. On Red. Hat Systems. On Debian Systems. For further reasons which out of this tutorial scope, we will need to install another package Kernel devel. Downloads yum install kernel devel On Red. Hat Systems. 1. 2. When it finished, lets try to start the software again be patient, trust me. Downloads vmware. Congratulations we have solved all issues, you will see this window. VMWare Work. Station Starting. It makes some modification in kernel modules and compiling some new tools just fewer minutes, the application start and home window appears and waits from you to kick start it and make your virtual machines. VMware Workstation 1. Conclusion. Congratulations everything has done successfully, you should use in deep the new features of the NEW edition of VMware Workstation, Do your labs and across Virtualization Ocean, GOod Lu.