Double click the downloaded file. Update. Star is compatible with Windows platforms. Update. Star has been tested to meet all of the technical requirements to be compatible with. Windows 1. 0, 8. 1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2. Windows. XP, 3. 2 bit and 6. Simply double click the downloaded file to install it. Update. Star Free and Update. Star Premium come with the same installer. Update. Star includes support for many languages such as English, German, French, Italian, Hungarian, Russian and many more. You can choose your language settings from within the program. Video Game Trends and Statistics Whos Playing What and Why Updated April 2. Its February In 2. AND your yearly dose of video game statistics and trends. Were taking a look at major events and shifts in the gaming industry and considering the current state of gaming. Take a peak, or stay for a week All statistics are thoroughly researched. See sources at the bottom of the page for more info. Check out the interactive map below to see the current state of game revenue. The biggest standout stat is that China outstripped the US in revenue in 2. Overview Who is Playing The average age of gamers 3. The average age of game purchasers 3. We would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. Mobile toplist for mobile web sites. We have over 2000 registered sites. No more missed important software updates UpdateStar 11 lets you stay up to date and secure with the software on your computer. Households that own a device used for playing video games 6. Households that own a device exclusively for playing video games 4. The average number of years gamers have been playing 1. The average age of gamers held steady this year, indicating that more up and coming gamers are joining in as us older gamers gained another year on our birthdays. The average number of years gamers have been playing also held steady this year. Is this an indication that some gamers are aging out just a bitWhat are people playing Gamers who play social games 4. Devices the most frequent gamers are playing on PC 5. Playing Video Games as a social outlet. Hours per week spent playing with others online 6. Hours per week spent playing with others in person 4. You are here Home Michalopulos Blog Sons of Job The Canons Prohibit the Bishops from Voting at Parma. Who are they playing with Family members. Parents1. SpousePartner. Gender in Gaming. Male gamers 5. 9Female gamers 4. However, once again the number of women gamers over 1. Women over 1. 8 3. Males under 1. 8 1. There are also just as many women playing video games over the age of 3. Check out the interactive infographic below to view the trends of gender in gaming over the years Gray male gamers. These numbers can certainly vary per study, but it does look like the number of female serious gamers are on a downward trend. The last time we checked in females were closer to 4. We can speculate as to why this is. Perhaps females are less fond of the emergence of the e. Sports trend. Perhaps females are feeling less included in gaming forums and online communities after the harassment accusations of the last few years. Maybe theyre just more drawn to other entertainment industries, but this is definitely a trend to continue watching. The Emergence of e. Sports. 50 of most frequent gamers are familiar with e. Sports. Viewership of e. Sports has exploded from 2. Thats a 4. 3 increase in two years. Global revenue rose from 1. Thats a 2. 39 increase in two years. Overall e. Sports Stats For 2. Total Prize Money 9. Total Tournaments 3. Total Active Players 1. Average Tournament Prize Pool 2. Average EarningsPlayer 6,8. Median Tournament Prize Pool 5. Median EarningsPlayer 3. Top e. Sports titles in 2. Bob Dancer Video Poker For Winners Download Movies on this page. Dota 2 3. 7,2. Players 1. Tournaments. Counter Strike Global Offensive 1. Players 8. 51 Tournaments. League of Legends 1. Players 1. 25 Tournaments. Heroes of the Storm 4,6. Players 5. 7 Tournaments. Call of Duty Black Ops III 3,7. Players 4. 7 Tournaments. Biggest News events of 2. Apparently there was a big scandal around some You. Tube gamers setting up gambling sites and then recommending them without properly informing their audience of their involvement. Thats a BIG moral no no. Pokemon Go temporarily changed the way we gamed and interacted with each other. It goes without saying that catching Pokemon in Pokeballs was a huge phenomena that swept the world and caused Nintendos stock to spike 3. Also, it set up the success of Pokmon Sun and Moon on 3. DS which followed shortly after. No Mans Sky was a thing that happened. It was announced, it was anticipated, it was delayed, it was released, people got mad. VR has gotten a slow start with limited titles and expensive platforms. This will likely take off more next year with more diverse game releases and affordable devices. Strange while considering the low number of VR sales the NES Classic, a console that plays 8 bit games from 1. Sequels made a disappointing appearance this year, with titles like Street Fighter V, Deus Ex Mankind Divided, Call Of Duty Infinite Warfare, Titanfall 2, Dishonored 2, and Watch Dogs 2 performing notably worse that their predecessors. Politics, awareness and activism found some success this year with such game title releases as That Dragon, Cancer, Orwell, Virginia, Fragments of Him, Voter Suppression Trail, and Drumpf. Also, notably, Brexit and Trump were the most popular names for diseases in global epidemic sim Plague Inc. Racism and sexism are still active on the gaming scene. Notably, Milo Yiannopoulos was banned from Twitter after a major hollywood celebrity was targeted. Lindsay Lohan lost a legal claim against GTA5 in which she alleged that the game made use of her image. And MUCH more So there you have it virtual reality has not yet achieved the commercial success that we anticipated, e. Sports are gaining popularity with spikes in viewership and financial investment, the number of female gamers looks to be on a downward trend, people are playing socially more than ever, and Pokemon Go changed the way we gamed if just for a few months. Sourceswww. statista. Essential Facts 2.