Download Setup or torrent. About This game features new resources. Skins, mods, maps and more. Cs Go have a online system with points, awards, skins, etc. Cs GO offer more than 4. COD or Battlefield. The game is focused on gameplay and online system. The favorite maps are same, dedust. The waypoints are same but the graphics are new. The game was released on 2. X debox Live and Os X. The mods are classic, hostage rescue, bomb defuse, deathmatch, arms race and demolition. As we aspected valve include valve anti cheat in this version like in cs 1. The online play offer a rating system and servers hosted by valve. Steam Workshop allow players to upload content like maps, weapons and scenarios. Valve create tournaments with prizes in dollars. Weapons. Pistols Glock, P2. Desert Eagle, Dual Berettas, Tec 9, CZ7. Auto, P2. 00, USP S, Five Seven. Heavy Nova, XM1. Mag 7, Sawed Off. Submachines Guns Mac 1. Mp. 9, Mp. 7, Ump. P9. 0, PP bizon. Rifles Galil AR, Famas, M4. A4, Ak. 47, SSg 0. SSG 0. 8, AWP, Aug, G3. SG1. Scar 2. 0. Machines Guns M2. Negev. Equipment Kevllar vest, Kevlar helmet, Zeus x. C4, Defuse Kit, Rescue Kit. Grenades Molotov Cocktail, Incediary Grenade, Decoy Grenade, He Granade, Flash. Bang, Smoke Grenade. Teams. Counter Terorist Gign, IDF, GSG 9, FBI, SAS, Seal Team 6, Swat. Tero Anarchist, Balkan, Elite Crew, Phoenix Connexion, Pirate, Proffesional, Separatist. Maps. Bomb DefuseDE Dust. Dust. 2, Aztec, Cache, Cbble, Inferno, Nuke, Mirage, Overpass, Train, Vertico. Hostage RescueCS Assault, Militia, Italy, Ofice. Arms Race Lake, Baggage, Stmarc, Shoots, Safe. House, Monastery. Cracked Tooth Crown Or Extraction Of Metals. Demolition Lake, Safe. House, Bank, Shortdust, Short. Train, ST. Marc, Sugarcane. Images Video.