Videotek VTM4. 15. PKG Imagine Communications. Videotek VTM4. 15. Select among 3 Gbs, HDSD SDI, SD SDI, analog composite and ASI video monitoring, advanced physical layer jitter analysis, Dolby, advanced audio and lip sync monitoring options to build a system customized to your requirements. The perfect solution for todays multiformat environments, the VTM4. PKG features the first user configurable, field upgradeable, multiformat test and measurement console. The innovative modular platform makes the VTM series fully customizable and affords broadcasters unprecedented flexibility. When fully equipped, the VTM Series is the only test instrument of its kind that monitors and displays as many as four inputs simultaneously. The Imagine Communications proprietary graphic display engines enable multiple input configurations to accommodate any environment. Gbs, HDSD, DVB ASISMPTE 3. M and composite analog inputs options are available. Users can mix and match the appropriate options, such as eye pattern with jitter display and audio packages featuring Dolby decoding, to create the ideal tool for their specific application. A further benefit is a clear upgrade path when monitoring requirements change. General. This web site provides general information on crashworthy end terminals and barrier systems meeting NCHRP 350 andor MASH criteria. Pvr.mythtv002_1.png/500px-Pvr.mythtv002_1.png' alt='Cat Epg Application And Installation Guide' title='Cat Epg Application And Installation Guide' />Rig Types Fox Oil Drilling Company. HP Rig. DRAWWORKSSkytop. Brewster NE 1. 2 2. HP2 GE 7. 52 traction motors 1. HP each1 38 drill. Dretech 8. 35. 0 auxiliiary brake. Cisco UCS Integrated Infrastructure for Big Data and Analytics. The Cisco UCS Integrated Infrastructure for Big Data and Analytics solution is based on Cisco UCS. U. S. Department of Homeland Security Federal Emergency Management Agency FEMA Acronyms Abbreviations and Terms The FAAT List is not designed to be an authoritative. La Freebox est un appareil lectronique fourni par le fournisseur daccs Internet franais Free ses abonns haut dbit et trs haut dbit. POWER3. Caterpillar 3. KW generators. SCR SYSTEMNOV Ross Hill. X 4 SCR house. MASTPyramid 1. SUBSTRUCTURESkytop. Brewster 2. 5 6KB 3. Technical report on the industrial training programme which took place at aitek networks systems limited, 2a tomori street,off simbiat abiola road,ikeja, lagos state. Rotary beam clearance 2. BLOCK HOOKGardner Denver. TSReader Version 2. README Updated October 4, 2017. Whats Here. TSReader Editions Changes between versions Note about cards with demultiplexers. Frequently asked questions about BoxOffice. BoxOffice Online is an online movie rental service that is available to anyone in SA. HP Rig DRAWWORKS Skytop Brewster NE12 2000HP2 GE 752 traction motors 1000HP each1 38 drill line, Dretech 8350 auxiliiary brake POWER. The Videotek TVM9150PKG multiformat video waveform monitor and audio signal analyzer with integral XGA TFT color LCD display is the most advanced and intuitive test. Ton block. Joy 5. Ton hook. PUMPS 2 BOMCO F 1. HP each triplex pumps Each. GE 7. 52 traction motors. MUD PITS3 tank. SOLIDS. EQUIPMENTDerrick FLC. Dual Shaker. Brandt 2 cone desander. Brandt 1. 0 cone desilter. Vacuum degasser. Mud gas. BOPS1. 3 58 X. Shaffer annular. X 1. Shaffer double 1. X 1. 0,0. 00. psi Shaffer single. ACCUMULATORValvcon. Station, 2. 10 gallon accumulator. CHOKE. MANIFOLD1. SWIVELSkytop. Brewster 9. SX 5. 00 TonROTARY. Brewster 2. 7 12DRILL PIPE5 drill pipe. DRILL. COLLARS8 and 6 12. AUXILIARY. EQUIPMENTPason EDR. Fuel Tank 2. 0,7. Water Tank 2 4. Rig Manager and Crew Quarters NOV ST 8. Iron Roughneck Satellite. Kelly spinner Mathey survey unit Power slips. HP Rig. DRAWWORKSNational 1. UE 2. 00. 0HP2 GE 7. HP each1 38 drill line, Eaton 4. POWER3 Caterpillar 3. KW generators. SCR SYSTEMNOV Ross Hill 1. X 4 SCR house. MASTDreco 1. Sling Shot w 1,0. SUBSTRUCTUREDreco 3. Sling Shot. KB 3. Rotary beam clearance 2. BLOCK HOOKJoy 5. Ton combo. PUMPS2 Gardner Denver PZ 1. HP each triplex pumps. Each independently powered by 2 GE 7. MUD PITS2 tank system 1. SOLIDS EQUIPMENTDerrick FLC 5. Dual Shaker. Derrick 3 cone desander. Derrick 1. 0 cone desilter. Vacuum degasser. Mud gas separator6 mud agitators. BOPS1. 3 58 X 5,0. Hydril annular. 13 58 X 1. Cameron double. 13 58 X 1. Cameron single. ACCUMULATORKoomey 6 Station, 2. CHOKE MANIFOLD1. 0,0. SWIVELNational 4. TonROTARY TABLEOilwell 2. DRILL PIPE5 drill pipe. DRILL COLLARS8 and 6 12 drill collars. AUXILIARY EQUIPMENTPason EDR base systemFuel Tank 2. Water Tank 2 4. Rig Manager and Crew Quarters. NOV IR 3. 08. 0 Iron Roughneck. Satellite automatic driller. Kelly spinner. Mathey survey unit. Man rider. Power slips. HP Rig. DRAWWORKSOilwell 2. E 2. 00. 0HP2 GE 7. HP. each1 38 drill line, Eaton 4. POWER3 Caterpillar 3. KW generators. SCR SYSTEMNOV Ross Hill 1. X 4 SCR house. MASTDreco 1. SUBSTRUCTUREDreco 2. KB 2. 7 6 Rotary beam clearance 2. BLOCK HOOKContinental Emsco 5. Ton block. Web Wilson 5. Ton hook. PUMPS2 BOMCO F 1. HP each. triplex pumps. Each independently powered by 2 GE. MUD PITS3 tank system 1. SOLIDS EQUIPMENTBrandt King Cobra Dual Shaker. Brandt 2 cone desander. Brandt 1. 2 cone desilter. Atmospheric degasser. Mud gas separator5 mud agitators. BOPS1. 3 58 X 5,0. Shaffer annular. 13 58 X 1. Shaffer double. 13 58 X 1. Shaffer single. ACCUMULATORKoomey 7 Station, 2. CHOKE MANIFOLD1. 0,0. SWIVELNational 4. TonROTARY TABLENational 2. DRILL PIPE5 drill pipe. DRILL COLLARS8 and 6 12 drill collars. AUXILIARY EQUIPMENTPason EDR base systemFuel Tank 2. Water Tank 2 4. Rig Manager and Crew Quarters. NOV IR 3. 08. 0 Iron Roughneck. Satellite automatic driller. Kelly spinner. Bronco survey unit. Man rider. Power slips. HP Rig. DRAWWORKSGardner Denver. E 2. 00. 0HP2 GE 7. HP each1 38 drill line. Elmago 7. 04. 0 auxiliary brake. POWER3. Caterpillar 3. KW generators. SCR SYSTEMNOV Ross Hill. X 4 SCR house. MASTTri Star 1. SUBSTRUCTURETri Star 3. KB 3. 1 6 Rotary beam clearance 2. BLOCK HOOKContinental. Emsco 5. 00 Ton block. National 4. 50 Ton hook. PUMPS2 Gardner. Denver PZ 1. HP each triplex pumps Each independently powered by 2 GE. MUD PITS3 pit system. SOLIDS. EQUIPMENT3 Mongoose shakers Swaco. Swaco 2. 0 cone desilter. Atmospheric degasser9 mud agitators. Trip Tank 1. 00 bblMud Gas separator. BOPS1. 3 58 X. Shaffer annular 1. X 1. 0,0. 00 psi Shaffer double 1. X 1. 0,0. 00. psi Shaffer single. ACCUMULATORKoomey. Station, 3. 08 gallon accumulator. CHOKE. MANIFOLD1. TOP DRIVEVarco TDS 1. ROTARY. TABLEGardner Denver. DRILL PIPE5 drill pipe. DRILL. COLLARS8 and 6 12. AUXILIARY. EQUIPMENTPason EDR. Fuel Tank 1. 6,0. Water Tank 2. Rig Manager. Crew Quarters NOV IR 3. Iron Roughneck. Satellite automatic driller 1. HP Rig. Drawworks. Gardner Denver. 1. M 1. 50. 0HP1 38 drill line, Parmac 4. Install Windows 7 From Knoppix Download. Power3. Caterpillar 3. HP eachLIGHT PLANTS2. Caterpillar C 1. KW generators. MASTPyramid 1. SUBSTRUCTUREPyramid 2. KB 2. 7 Rotary beam clearance 2. BLOCK HOOKNational 6. Ton block. B. J. Ton hook. PUMPS2 National. FD 1. HP each triplex pumps Each independently powered by 1. Caterpillar 3. 51. MUD PITS3 tank. SOLIDS. EQUIPMENTSwaco Mongoose. Triple Shaker. Swaco 2 cone desander Swaco 1. BOPs. 13 58 X. Shaffer annular 1. X 5,0. 00 psi Shaffer double. ACCUMULATORKoomey. Station, 1. 60 gallon accumulator. CHOKE MANIFOLD5,0. SWIVELGardner Denver. TonROTARY TABLEGardner Denver. DRILL PIPE4 12 drill. DRILL COLLARS8 and 6 12. AUXILLARY EQUIPMENTPason EDR. Water Tank 2 1,6. Rig Manager Quarters NOV. ST 8. 0 C Iron Roughneck. Satellite automatic driller Mathey survey unit. A B METAL MANUFACTURINGCOMPANY, INCPO Box 2. Houston, Texas 7. USA3. 31. 4 Carr Street. Houston, Texas 7. USAPhone 1 7. 13 2. Fax 1 7. 13 2. 25 5. E Mail carbidea bmetal. Web www. a bmetal. Tungsten Carbide, Composite Rod,Tubemetal, Cast Carbide, and Spray. Metals. Scott T Armstrong, President. David F Waitz, General Manager. A1 OIL GAS COMPANY1. Katy Freeway, Suite 1. Houston, Texas 7. USAPhone 1 7. 13 2. Fax 1 7. 13 5. 88 2. E Mail rigsa. 1oilandgas. Web www. a. 1oilandgas. Land Rigs Offshore Platforms Buy, Selland Lease, Drill Pipes, Collars, BOP, TOPDrive, Mud Pumps, Barge Rigs, Supply. Boats, Gen Sets, Refurb Rigs Equipment, Seeking Drilling Contracts. Worldwide. Jack Sajad, President. Isis Alvarado, Petroleum Engineer. Rocky Ramirez, Drilling Contracts. Patrick Knight, Marketing. Luis E Blandon, Drilling Engineer. Mahmood Al Quresh, Sales Middle East. Jennifer Niebles, Engineer. AASYNEC S. A DE C. V. Boulevard Lazaro Cardenas 1. Colonia Palma Sola. Poza Rica, Veracruz 9. MEXICOPhone 5. 2 7. E Mail aasynechotmail. Outsourcing, Purchase and Sale of. Safety Equipment, Payroll Control,Petroleos Mexicanos PEMEX Work. Permits System Training, Well Control. Training, Safety Training Rig Pass, First. Aids, H2. S, Defensive Driving, Etc. Freddy Bautista Cruz, Chief Executive. Officer. Mara Yaneth Reyes, Partner. Javier Ferral Salazar, Accountant. Eusebio Servando, Driving Instructor. Edgar Usiel, First Aids Instructor. ABERDEEN DRILLING SCHOOLS WELLCONTROL TRAINING CENTRE5. Union Glen. Aberdeen AB1. ER UNITED KINGDOMPhone 4. Fax 4. 4 1. 22. E Mail lmcbrideaberdeen drilling. Web www. aberdeen drilling. Well. CAP Accredited. Lesley Mc. Bride, AccountsAdmin. Manager. ABERDEEN DRILLING SCHOOLS USA INC2. Socorro Court. College Station, Texas 7. USAPhone 1 9. 79 2. Toll Free 8. 00 2. Fax 1 9. 79 6. 93 3. Web www. aberdeen drilling. ABERDEEN DRILLING SCHOOLSINTERNATIONALPO Box 4. Code 1. 30. 47. Safat KUWAITPhone 9. Fax 9. 65 2. 32 2. Stefan Heller. ABERDEEN SKILLS AND ENTERPRISETRAINING LIMITEDAberdeen College. Minto Operations Training Centre. Units 3 9 Minto Avenue. Altens, Aberdeen AB1. JZ UNITEDKINGDOMPhone 4. Fax 4. 4 1. 22. E Mail aset enquiryaset. Web www. aset. co. Training for Marine Opns., Prod. Process, Emerg. Response, Health Safety, Elect., Hazardous Areas, Maint. Mech., Instrumentation, Radiotelephony, IADC Approved Balast. Control and Stability Training.