Flow is defined as unique set of key fields attributes, which might include fields of packet, packet routing attributes, and input and output interface information. A fun, difficult introduction to d. A JSNetwork. X example. A Ko. Extensions example d. Knockout. JS, Raven. DB, Web. API, Bootstrap. A line chart plotting unit sales, colored by price for d. A map of translations of Othello into German. A marimekko chart showing SKUs grouped by owner and brand. Backbone Model Update Multiple Attributes In Xml' title='Backbone Model Update Multiple Attributes In Xml' />A matrix chart where each point is replaced with a marimekko. A Migration of Unmarried Men. A physics model of a physics model. A Race to Entitlement. A Radius Follows the Mouse. A sea of tweets what are italians saying about the election. A simpler variation of Keplers Tally. A Slice of Canadian Life. A sprintf like function using d. A statistical model for blood pressure in patients with hypertension. A Visit From The Goon Squad Interactive Character Map. Abusing The Force Talk. AC Milan vs Juventus. Across U. S. Companies, Tax Rates Vary Greatly. Adaptive Resampling. Adaptive Resampling. Addepar. Advanced object constancy. Advanced visualizations with D3. Kartograph. Adventures in D3. AFL Brownlow Medalists. Aid Explorer. Air pollution. Airbnb vs Hotels A Price Comparison. Airocean World Dymaxion map. Airys Minimum Error. Airys Minimum Error. Aitoff. Aitoff Graticule. Alaska Albers. Albers Equal Area Conic. Albers Projection. Albers Siberia. Albers Tiles. Albers USAAlbers USA Projection. Albers with Resampling. Albers without Resampling. Albers. USA PRAll the Medalists Mens 1. Meter Freestyle. Alpha shapes aka concave hulls. Alternative D3. js documentation. American Forces in Afghanistan and Iraq. Among the Oscar Contenders, a Host of Connections. An inlet to Tributary. An introduction to d. An overview of the Hong Kong budget in 2. Analog clock. Andrew Berls, Visualizing your bash history with d. Angel List compensation scatterplot. Angular. JS D3. Radian. Animated Bzier Curves. Animated Bubble Chart of Gates Educational Donations. Animated bubble charts for school data analysis. Animated Clipped text. Path. Animated Quasicrystals. Animated Sankey alluvial diagram. Animated Spirographs. Animated text. Path. Animated Trigonometry. Antimeridian Cutting. Antipodesantuliks Gists. Apollonian Gasket. Apple logo with gradient. Arc Deduplication. Arc Tween ClockArc Tween Commented Example. Arcs Around. Area Chart. Area chart. Area Choropleth. Area Transition. Area with Missing Data. Argentina Census. Arlington Visual Budget. Armadillo Projection. Array Subclassing Test. Arrows are Beautiful. Article Level Metrics over time. Asia Lambert Conic Conformal. At the Democratic Convention the Words Being Used. At the National Conventions the Words They Used. Atlantis. Atlas zur Landtagswahl Bayern 2. Attr. Tween, Transitions and MV in Reusable D3. Audio Spectrum Analyzer. August Projection. Autofocus. Automatic floating labels using d. Automatically sizing text. Axis Component. Axis Examples. Axis Styling. Azimuthal Equidistant. Azimuthal Equidistant. Azimuthal Projections. Baby Names in England amp Wales. Backbone D3 Simple visualisations of Backbone collections via D3. Baker Dinomicbar sum d. Bar Chart. Bar chart code generator and online editor. Bar Chart with Negative Valuesbar. Stack flex layoutBart particles. Base. 64. js. Baseball 2. Predictions based on past 6 years. Basic Gantt Chart. Basic Reusable Slopegraph. Bathymetry of Lake Michigan. Bay Area d. 3 User Group. Bay Area earthquake responses by zip code. BBEdit Preferences. Bearcart. Beautiful Spiral Things. Beautiful visualizations with D3. Beer taxes in your state CNNMoney. Beeswarm plot. Behind the Australian Financial Reviews Budget Explorer. Berghaus Star Projection. How To Install A Light Bar On A Truck here. Better force layout node selection. Bharat Bhole. Bibly v. Visualizing word distribution within the KJV bible. Bieber Fever Meter with HTML5 Web Socket d. Pusher. Big Money in Tax Breaks. Biham Middleton Levine Traffic Model. Bilevel Partition. Binify D3 Gorgeous honeycomb maps. Binned Line Chart. Bio. Vis Project Identification of Mutations that Affect Protein Function. BIS Derivative Data. Bitdeli Custom analytics with Python and Git. Hub. Bitly link Co occurrence. Bivariate Area Chart. Bivariate Hexbin Map. Blobular. Blocky Counties. Blocky Counties. Bloom Filters. Blurfade effect. Boeing 7. Descent Profiles, SFOBoggs Eumorphic. Bonne Projection. Boomstick motion. Boomstick motion coffee. Boston d. 3. js User Group. Boulder County Wildfires. Bounded Force Layout. Box Plots. Bracket Layout. Briesemeister. Bromley. Browser usage plurality. Brush. Brush Handles. Brush Snapping. Brush Snapping IIBrush Transitions. Brushable Network. Brushable Network, IIBubble Chart. Bubble My Page Visualization. Bubbles. Bubbles generator using a simplex noise. Build world clocks. Build Your Own Graph Building a lightweight, flexible D3. Building a tree diagram. Building a UML editor in JSBulle. T a variant of mbostocks Bullet ChartsBullet chart variant. Bullet Charts. Bump Chart with r. Charts and Rickshaw. Cagedd. 3 tip. Calculating quadtree bounding boxes and displaying them in leaflet. Calendar View. Calendar View. California Population Density. Calkin Wilf Tree. Calroc. Calroc Web as Theater. Can people localize sounds with one functional ear Cant we all get along Cant we all get along Candlestick charts. Canvas Geometric Zooming. Canvas Semantic Zooming. Canvas Swarm. Canvas with d. Underscore. Capturing Listeners. Capturing Mousemove. Caravaggios Bacco 1. Carotid Kundalini Fractal Explorer. Carotid Kundalini Fractal Explorer. Carto. DB D3 Bubble Map. Carto. DB makes D3 maps a breeze. Cartogram. js Continuous Area Cartograms. Case Sensitivity and SVG in HTMLCassini. Cellular automata. Cellular automata. Central Limit Theorem Visualized in D3. CFCLTWiki. Chained Transitions. Chained Transitions. Chamberlin Trimetric. Changes in Employment and Salary by Industry. Chart Wheel Visualization. Chart. io The Easiest Business Dashboard Youll Ever Use. Chartbuilder. Chernoff faces. Chernoff faces Fisheye Geodesic grid Hive plot Horizon chart Sankey diagram. Chicago Lobbyists. Chicago Ward Remap Outlines. CHIPMODChord Diagram. Chord diagram with Dex. Chord Diagram Dependencies Between Classes. Chord diagram Fade on Hover. Chord diagram Updating data. Chord Layout Transitions. Choropleth. Choropleth classification systems. Choropleth with interactive parameters for NYC data visualization. Christchurch Earthquakeschristophermannings bl. Chroma Phi Chrome Circle Precision Bug. Chrome Circle Precision Bug. Circle Packing. Circle Packing with Zero Values. Circle Packing Zero Values. Circle bound D3 force layout. Circle Circle Intersection. Circle Polygon Intersection. Circles. Circular heat chart. Circular key scale. Circular Layout. Circular Layout ArcCircular Layout RecursiveCircular Layout SliderCircular Segment. Circular tree comparing the src directory for three versions of d. Classements par tape Tour de France 2. Clean Up for Natural Earth Geo. JSONclick to centerclick to center via transformclick to zoom via transform. Click to Zoom via Transform. Clickme Render Java. Script visualizations using R objects. Clinical trials in Multiple Sclerosis. Close Votes visualizing voting similarities for the Dutch 2. Closest Point to Segment. Catalyst 4. 50. 0 Series Switch Software Configuration Guide, Release IOS XE 3. SG and IOS 1. 5. 11SG Product Overview Cisco Catalyst 4. Series Switches Product Overview This chapter provides an overview of Catalyst 4. Layer 2 Software Features Layer 3 Software Features Management Features Security Features New and Modified Software Features Supported in Cisco IOS 1. SG and Cisco IOS XE 3. SGNote For more information about the chassis, modules, and software features supported by the Catalyst 4. Release Notes for the Catalyst 4. Series Switch at this location http www. USproductshwswitchesps. Layer 2 Software Features The following subsections describe the key Layer 2 switching software features on the Catalyst 4. Q Tunneling, VLAN Mapping, and Layer 2 Protocol Tunneling Cisco IOS Auto Smartport Macros Cisco Discovery Protocol Cisco Group Management Protocol CGMP server Ether. Channel Bundles Ethernet CFM Ethernet OAM Protocol Flex Links and MAC Address Table Move Update Flexible Net. Flow Internet Group Management Protocol IGMP Snooping IPv. Multicast Listen Discovery MLD and Multicast Listen Discovery snooping Jumbo Frames Link Aggregation Control Protocol Link Layer Discovery Protocol Link State Tracking Location Service Multiple Spanning Tree Per VLAN Rapid Spanning Tree Quality of Service Resilient Ethernet Protocol Smart. Port Macros Spanning Tree Protocol Stateful Switchover SVI Autostate Unidirectional Link Detection VLANs Virtual Switch System Client Y. AIS and RDI 8. 02. Q Tunneling, VLAN Mapping, and Layer 2 Protocol Tunneling 8. Q tunneling is a Q in Q technique that expands the VLAN space by retagging the tagged packets that enter the service provider infrastructure. Q tunneling allows service providers to assign a VLAN to each customer without losing the original customer VLAN IDs inside the tunnel. All data traffic that enters the tunnel is encapsulated with the tunnel VLAN ID. Layer 2 Protocol Tunneling is a similar technique for all Layer 2 control traffic. To map customer VLANs to service provider VLANs, you can configure VLAN mapping or VLAN ID translation on trunk ports connected to a customer network. Packets entering the port are mapped to a service provider VLAN S VLAN based on the port number and the original customer VLAN ID C VLAN of the packet. For information on configuring 8. Q tunneling and VLAN Mapping, see Chapter 2. Configuring 8. 02. Q Tunneling, VLAN Mapping, and Layer 2 Protocol Tunneling. Cisco IOS Auto Smartport Macros Cisco IOS Auto Smart. Port macros dynamically configure ports based on the device type detected on the port. When the switch detects a new device on a port it applies the appropriate Cisco IOS Auto Smartports macro. When a link down event occurs on the port, the switch removes the macro. For example, when you connect a Cisco IP phone to a port, Cisco IOS Auto Smart. Ports automatically applies the IP phone macro. The IP phone macro enables quality of service Qo. S, security features, and a dedicated voice VLAN to ensure proper treatment of delay sensitive voice traffic. For information on configuring Smart. Port macros, see Chapter 1. Configuring Cisco IOS Auto Smartport Macros. Cisco Discovery Protocol The Cisco Discovery Protocol CDP is a device discovery protocol that is both media and protocol independent. CDP is available on all Cisco products, including routers, switches, bridges, and access servers. Using CDP, a device can advertise its existence to other devices and receive information about other devices on the same LAN. CDP enables Cisco switches and routers to exchange information, such as their MAC addresses, IP addresses, and outgoing interfaces. CDP runs over the data link layer only, allowing two systems that support different network layer protocols to learn about each other. Each device configured for CDP sends periodic messages to a multicast address. Each device advertises at least one address at which it can receive Simple Network Management Protocol SNMP messages. For information on configuring CDP, see Chapter 2. Configuring CDP. Cisco Group Management Protocol CGMP server CGMP server manages multicast traffic. Multicast traffic is forwarded only to ports with attached hosts that request the multicast traffic. Ether. Channel Bundles Ether. Channel port bundles allow you to create high bandwidth connections between two switches by grouping multiple ports into a single logical transmission path. For information on configuring Ether. Channel, see Chapter 2. Configuring Ether. Channel and Link State Tracking. Ethernet CFM Ethernet CFM is an end to end per service instance per VLAN Ethernet layer OAM protocol that includes proactive connectivity monitoring, fault verification, and fault isolation. End to end can be provider edge to provider edge PE to PE device or customer edge to customer edge CE to CE device. Ethernet CFM, as specified by IEEE 8. Layer 2 ping, Layer 2 traceroute, and end to end connectivity check of the Ethernet network. For information about CFM, see Chapter 6. Configuring Ethernet OAM and CFM. Ethernet OAM Protocol Ethernet Operations, Administration, and Maintenance OAM is a protocol for installing, monitoring, and troubleshooting Ethernet networks to increase management capability within the context of the overall Ethernet infrastructure. You can implement Ethernet OAM on any full duplex, point to point, or emulated point to point Ethernet link for a network or part of a network specified interfaces. For information about OAM, see Chapter 6. Configuring Ethernet OAM and CFM. Flex Links and MAC Address Table Move Update Flex Links are a pair of Layer 2 interfaces switch ports or port channels where one interface is configured to act as a backup to the other. The feature provides an alternative solution to the Spanning Tree Protocol STP. Flex Links are typically configured in service provider or enterprise networks where customers do not want to run STP on the switch. MAC Address Table Move Update allows a switch to provide rapid bidirectional convergence when a primary forwarding link goes down and the standby link begins forwarding traffic. For information about Flex Links and MAC Address Table Move Update, see Chapter 2. Configuring Flex Links and MAC Address Table Move Update. Flexible Net. Flow Note Flexible Net. Flow is only supported on Supervisor Engine 7 E, Supervisor Engine 7. L E, and Catalyst 4. X. Flow is defined as unique set of key fields attributes, which might include fields of packet, packet routing attributes, and input and output interface information. A Net. Flow feature defines a flow as a sequence of packets that have the same values for the feature key fields. Flexible Net. Flow FNF allows a flow record that specifies various flow attributes to be collected and optionally exported. Net. Flow collection supports IP, IPv. Layer 2 traffic. For information on configuring Flexible Net. Flow, see Chapter 6. Configuring Flexible Net. Flow. Internet Group Management Protocol IGMP Snooping IGMP snooping manages multicast traffic. The switch software examines IP multicast packets and forwards packets based on their content. Multicast traffic is forwarded only to ports with attached hosts that request multicast traffic. Support for IGMPv. IGMPv. 3 hosts or routers. IGMPv. 3 snooping listens to IGMPv. It enables a switch to propagate multicast data only to ports that need it.