Shutdown doesnt shuts off the laptop in Windows 1. HP Support Forum have posted this in another area with the same issueYES A Solution that worked. Spread the news. It has to do with the Intel Virtualization Tehnology. Didnt know what that was until this issue came up in Windows 1. First, find out if this is your issue. I installed the Intel Processor Identification Utility directly from Intel. Free Download Of Adobe Acrobat Writer Professional. Some of the common causes of system freeze in Windows 7 are as follows Incompatible hardware or applications Low memory or disk space Bad sectors on hard disk. Ive downloaded the latest com4j jars and Im trying to run through the most simple of their examples. Im on Windows 7 64 bit and using a 64 bit JVM. When I run the. After installation, open the program and go to the CPU Technologies tab. If it says YES for Intel Virtualization Tehnology, proceed. Solution. at least on my system1. WinMend System Doctor. Version 2. 2. 0 Update Aug 31, 2017. Operating system Win 10, Win 8, Win 7, Windows Vista 64bit and 32bit, XP and 2000. The next thing you have to do is go into the BIOS. If you have not done this before, proceed at your own risk. You need to restart the computer and enter the BIOS for me I hit F1. HP screen2. Within the BIOS, there is an Advanced Options section. In this section there is a line for Intel Virtualization Tehnology and it will say enabled or disabled. My computer said disabled. If this is the case, change the option to ENABLED then SAVE and EXIT from the BIOS. The Computer will restart and from that point on Shut Down, Sleep, etc. Buy OEM Microsoft Windows 7 Professional with SP1 64bit Operating System PC at Walmart. Looks good, but too bad it crashes when I activate networking the new 3. I am using Win 7 64 bit. I cant seem to be able to keep my htpc on standby, as. WOW this was a frustrating issue. Almost went back to Windos 8. I take no credit for this solution, I pieced it together from other posts on this issue. PC Auto Shutdown is a handy utility that help you shutdown, power off, reboot, hibernate, suspend or log off computers at schedule time you specifies. Auto LogIn for Windows8, 8. Windows10 without password is very useful in Windows8. Win 88. 110 To disable or enable login. Hello. I have HP pavilion p045tx. Recently I upgraded to windows 10 update 64bit. When I shut down my laptop, the screen turns off but the power 5177713. Auto Shutdown Software For Windows 7 64 Bit' title='Auto Shutdown Software For Windows 7 64 Bit' />Recent Questions and Answers on Software and Windows7.